In this lab we will get started using Visual Studio App Center (VSAC). We will sign up for a VSAC account, add a new app and organization and invite collaborators to an organization and group your organization’s collaborators into teams.

DevOps MPP Course Source


  • There are no pre-requisites

Lab Tasks:

  • Sign up for a VSAC Account.
  • Add a New App.
  • Add New Organization.
  • Add New App to an Organization.
  • Invite Collaborators to an Organization.
  • Group your organization’s collaborators into teams.

Estimated Lab Time:

  • approx. 30 minutes

Task 1: Sign up for a Visual Studio App Center account

  1. If you do not already have a VSAC account go to the page and create an account or authenticate using an existing account type.

Task 2: Add a New App

  1. Log into VSAC.

  2. Add a new App On the home page. Click Add New, then Add New App.

  3. Enter your app name and description. Specify the owner, a person or organization. Set the OS: iOS, Android, or Windows. The platform options depend upon the OS you chose.

  4. Click Add New App at the bottom of the screen to create your app.

  5. Click the App Center icon to see your app in on the Home page in the My Apps list. You’ll build your app in the next module.

Task 3: Add New Organization

  1. On the home page, click Add New, then Add New Organization.

  2. Enter your organization name and click Add New Organization at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Your new organization will appear in the navigation list at the left.

After you’ve created an organization, you can add apps, invite collaborators, and build teams.

Task 4: Add New App to an Organization

  1. In the left-hand navigation, select an organization, and the Apps blade will display all apps associated with that organization.

  2. Click Add New App, which allows the addition of a new app to the organization. Set the OS: iOS, Android, or Windows. The platform options depend upon the OS you chose.

  3. Click the App Center icon to return to the home page.

  4. In the left-hand navigation, select your organization, and the Apps blade should list your app. You’ll build your app in the next module.

Task 5: Invite Collaborators to an Organization

  1. Under the Organization menu, click the People sub-menu, and a list of collaborators will display.

  2. Add a collaborator by typing in their email address. An email will be sent to them and their name will appear in the collaborator list as invited.

  3. When the collaborator receives the email and clicks the accept link, they will become an official collaborator for that organization as a Collaborator role.

Note: Only users with an App Center account will be able to accept invitations.

Note: A collaborator needs a Manager role on their app to add or edit collaborators on that app.

Task 6: Group your organization’s collaborators into teams.

Manage teams

  1. In the left-hand navigation, select an organization. Click the the People sub-menu to see the People blade that contains an option called Teams.

  2. Click on Teams to access the Teams blade. Here is a list of all teams in the organization.

  3. Create a team by clicking the Add New Team button and enter a team name.

  4. Add members to that team by selecting from the list of collaborators in the Members tab.

  5. Click on the Apps tab and your app to that team.


In this lab you completed the following tasks:

  • Signed up for a VSAC Account.
  • Added a New App.
  • Added New Organization.
  • Added New App to an Organization.
  • Invited Collaborators to an Organization.
  • Grouped your organization’s collaborators into teams.

You should now have a new app owned by you, an organization which owns its own app, a collaborator, and a team.