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Interface HandleObject<TTarget, TData>

Many of the special event hook functions below are passed a handleObj object that provides more information about the event, how it was attached, and its current state. This object and its contents should be treated as read-only data, and only the properties below are documented for use by special event handlers.



Type parameters

  • TTarget

  • TData


  • HandleObject




data: TData

The data, if any, passed to jQuery during event binding, e.g. { myData: 42 }. If the data argument was omitted or undefined, this property is undefined as well.


handler: EventHandler<TTarget, TData>

Event handler function passed to jQuery during event binding. If false was passed during event binding, the handler refers to a single shared function that simply returns false.


namespace: string

Namespace(s), if any, provided when the event was attached, such as "myPlugin". When multiple namespaces are given, they are separated by periods and sorted in ascending alphabetical order. If no namespaces are provided, this property is an empty string.


origType: string

The original type name regardless of whether it was mapped via bindType or delegateType. So when a "pushy" event is mapped to "click" its origType would be "pushy".


selector: string | undefined | null

For delegated events, this is the selector used to filter descendant elements and determine if the handler should be called. For directly bound events, this property is null.


type: string

The type of event, such as "click". When special event mapping is used via bindType or delegateType, this will be the mapped type.

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