Developer Configuration

This section provides detailed information on how to configure the UFO agent for developers. The configuration file config_dev.yaml is located in the ufo/config directory and contains various settings and switches to customize the UFO agent for development purposes.

System Configuration

The following parameters are included in the system configuration of the UFO agent:

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
CONTROL_BACKEND The backend for control action, currently supporting uia and win32. String "uia"
MAX_STEP The maximum step limit for completing the user request in a session. Integer 100
SLEEP_TIME The sleep time in seconds between each step to wait for the window to be ready. Integer 5
RECTANGLE_TIME The time in seconds for the rectangle display around the selected control. Integer 1
SAFE_GUARD Whether to use the safe guard to ask for user confirmation before performing sensitive operations. Boolean True
CONTROL_LIST The list of widgets allowed to be selected. List ["Button", "Edit", "TabItem", "Document", "ListItem", "MenuItem", "ScrollBar", "TreeItem", "Hyperlink", "ComboBox", "RadioButton", "DataItem"]
HISTORY_KEYS The keys of the step history added to the Blackboard for agent decision-making. List ["Step", "Thought", "ControlText", "Subtask", "Action", "Comment", "Results", "UserConfirm"]
ANNOTATION_COLORS The colors assigned to different control types for annotation. Dictionary {"Button": "#FFF68F", "Edit": "#A5F0B5", "TabItem": "#A5E7F0", "Document": "#FFD18A", "ListItem": "#D9C3FE", "MenuItem": "#E7FEC3", "ScrollBar": "#FEC3F8", "TreeItem": "#D6D6D6", "Hyperlink": "#91FFEB", "ComboBox": "#D8B6D4"}
PRINT_LOG Whether to print the log in the console. Boolean False
CONCAT_SCREENSHOT Whether to concatenate the screenshots into a single image for the LLM input. Boolean False
INCLUDE_LAST_SCREENSHOT Whether to include the screenshot from the last step in the observation. Boolean True
LOG_LEVEL The log level for the UFO agent. String "DEBUG"
REQUEST_TIMEOUT The call timeout in seconds for the LLM model. Integer 250
USE_APIS Whether to allow the use of application APIs. Boolean True
ALLOW_OPENAPP Whether to allow the open app action in HostAgent. Boolean False
LOG_XML Whether to log the XML file at every step. Boolean False
SCREENSHOT_TO_MEMORY Whether to allow the screenshot to Blackboard for the agent's decision making. Boolean True

Main Prompt Configuration

Main Prompt Templates

The main prompt templates include the prompts in the UFO agent for both system and user roles.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
HOSTAGENT_PROMPT The main prompt template for the HostAgent. String "ufo/prompts/share/base/host_agent.yaml"
APPAGENT_PROMPT The main prompt template for the AppAgent. String "ufo/prompts/share/base/app_agent.yaml"
FOLLOWERAGENT_PROMPT The main prompt template for the FollowerAgent. String "ufo/prompts/share/base/app_agent.yaml"
EVALUATION_PROMPT The prompt template for the evaluation. String "ufo/prompts/evaluation/evaluate.yaml"

Lite versions of the main prompt templates can be found in the ufo/prompts/share/lite directory to reduce the input size for specific token limits.

Example Prompt Templates

Example prompt templates are used for demonstration purposes in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
HOSTAGENT_EXAMPLE_PROMPT The example prompt template for the HostAgent used for demonstration. String "ufo/prompts/examples/{mode}/host_agent_example.yaml"
APPAGENT_EXAMPLE_PROMPT The example prompt template for the AppAgent used for demonstration. String "ufo/prompts/examples/{mode}/app_agent_example.yaml"

Lite versions of the example prompt templates can be found in the ufo/prompts/examples/lite/{mode} directory to reduce the input size for demonstration purposes.

Experience and Demonstration Learning

These configuration parameters are used for experience and demonstration learning in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
EXPERIENCE_PROMPT The prompt for self-experience learning. String "ufo/prompts/experience/experience_summary.yaml"
EXPERIENCE_SAVED_PATH The path to save the experience learning data. String "vectordb/experience/"
DEMONSTRATION_PROMPT The prompt for user demonstration learning. String "ufo/prompts/demonstration/demonstration_summary.yaml"
DEMONSTRATION_SAVED_PATH The path to save the demonstration learning data. String "vectordb/demonstration/"

Application API Configuration

These prompt configuration parameters are used for the application and control APIs in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
API_PROMPT The prompt for the UI automation API. String "ufo/prompts/share/base/api.yaml"
APP_API_PROMPT_ADDRESS The prompt address for the application API. Dict {"WINWORD.EXE": "ufo/prompts/apps/word/api.yaml", "EXCEL.EXE": "ufo/prompts/apps/excel/api.yaml", "msedge.exe": "ufo/prompts/apps/web/api.yaml", "chrome.exe": "ufo/prompts/apps/web/api.yaml"}

pywinauto Configuration

The API configuration parameters are used for the pywinauto API in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
CLICK_API The API used for click action, can be click_input or click. String "click_input"
INPUT_TEXT_API The API used for input text action, can be type_keys or set_text. String "type_keys"
INPUT_TEXT_ENTER Whether to press enter after typing the text. Boolean False

Control Filtering

The control filtering configuration parameters are used for control filtering in the agent's observation.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
CONTROL_FILTER The control filter type, can be TEXT, SEMANTIC, or ICON. List []
CONTROL_FILTER_TOP_K_PLAN The control filter effect on top k plans from the agent. Integer 2
CONTROL_FILTER_TOP_K_SEMANTIC The control filter top k for semantic similarity. Integer 15
CONTROL_FILTER_TOP_K_ICON The control filter top k for icon similarity. Integer 15
CONTROL_FILTER_MODEL_SEMANTIC_NAME The control filter model name for semantic similarity. String "all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
CONTROL_FILTER_MODEL_ICON_NAME The control filter model name for icon similarity. String "clip-ViT-B-32"


The customization configuration parameters are used for customizations in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
ASK_QUESTION Whether to ask the user for a question. Boolean True
USE_CUSTOMIZATION Whether to enable the customization. Boolean True
QA_PAIR_FILE The path for the historical QA pairs. String "customization/historical_qa.txt"
QA_PAIR_NUM The number of QA pairs for the customization. Integer 20


The evaluation configuration parameters are used for the evaluation in the UFO agent.

Configuration Option Description Type Default Value
EVA_SESSION Whether to include the session in the evaluation. Boolean True
EVA_ROUND Whether to include the round in the evaluation. Boolean False
EVA_ALL_SCREENSHOTS Whether to include all the screenshots in the evaluation. Boolean True

You can customize the configuration parameters in the config_dev.yaml file to suit your development needs and enhance the functionality of the UFO agent.