Step Logs

The step log contains the agent's response to the user's request and additional information at every step. The step log is stored in the response.log file. The log fields are different for HostAgent and AppAgent. The step log is at the info level.

HostAgent Logs

The HostAgent logs contain the following fields:

LLM Output

Field Description Type
Observation The observation of current desktop screenshots. String
Thought The logical reasoning process of the HostAgent. String
Current Sub-Task The current sub-task to be executed by the AppAgent. String
Message The message to be sent to the AppAgent for the completion of the sub-task. String
ControlLabel The index of the selected application to execute the sub-task. String
ControlText The name of the selected application to execute the sub-task. String
Plan The plan for the following sub-tasks after the current sub-task. List of Strings
Status The status of the agent, mapped to the AgentState. String
Comment Additional comments or information provided to the user. String
Questions The questions to be asked to the user for additional information. List of Strings
AppsToOpen The application to be opened to execute the sub-task if it is not already open. Dictionary

Additional Information

Field Description Type
Step The step number of the session. Integer
RoundStep The step number of the current round. Integer
AgentStep The step number of the HostAgent. Integer
Round The round number of the session. Integer
ControlLabel The index of the selected application to execute the sub-task. Integer
ControlText The name of the selected application to execute the sub-task. String
Request The user request. String
Agent The agent that executed the step, set to HostAgent. String
AgentName The name of the agent. String
Application The application process name. String
Cost The cost of the step. Float
Results The results of the step, set to an empty string. String
CleanScreenshot The image path of the desktop screenshot. String

AppAgent Logs

The AppAgent logs contain the following fields:

LLM Output

Field Description Type
Observation The observation of the current application screenshots. String
Thought The logical reasoning process of the AppAgent. String
ControlLabel The index of the selected control to interact with. String
ControlText The name of the selected control to interact with. String
Function The function to be executed on the selected control. String
Args The arguments required for the function execution. List of Strings
Status The status of the agent, mapped to the AgentState. String
Plan The plan for the following steps after the current action. List of Strings
Comment Additional comments or information provided to the user. String
SaveScreenshot The flag to save the screenshot of the application to the blackboard for future reference. Boolean

Additional Information

Field Description Type
Step The step number of the session. Integer
RoundStep The step number of the current round. Integer
AgentStep The step number of the AppAgent. Integer
Round The round number of the session. Integer
Subtask The sub-task to be executed by the AppAgent. String
SubtaskIndex The index of the sub-task in the current round. Integer
Action The action to be executed by the AppAgent. String
ActionType The type of the action to be executed. String
Request The user request. String
Agent The agent that executed the step, set to AppAgent. String
AgentName The name of the agent. String
Application The application process name. String
Cost The cost of the step. Float
Results The results of the step. String
CleanScreenshot The image path of the desktop screenshot. String
AnnotatedScreenshot The image path of the annotated application screenshot. String
ConcatScreenshot The image path of the concatenated application screenshot. String


You can use the following python code to read the request log:

import json

with open('logs/{task_name}/request.log', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        log = json.loads(line)


The FollowerAgent logs share the same fields as the AppAgent logs.