API Prompts

The API prompts provide the description and usage of the APIs used in UFO. Shared APIs and app-specific APIs are stored in different directories:

Directory Description
ufo/prompts/share/base/api.yaml Shared APIs used by multiple applications
ufo/prompts/{app_name} APIs specific to an application


You can configure the API prompt used in the config.yaml file. You can find more information about the configuration file here.


You may customize the API prompt for a specific application by adding the API prompt in the application's directory.

Example API Prompt

Below is an example of an API prompt:

  summary: |-
    "click_input" is to click the control item with mouse.
  class_name: |-
  usage: |-
    [1] API call: click_input(button: str, double: bool)
    [2] Args:
      - button: 'The mouse button to click. One of ''left'', ''right'', ''middle'' or ''x'' (Default: ''left'')'
      - double: 'Whether to perform a double click or not (Default: False)'
    [3] Example: click_input(button="left", double=False)
    [4] Available control item: All control items.
    [5] Return: None

To create a new API prompt, follow the template above and add it to the appropriate directory.