
All prompts used in UFO are stored in the ufo/prompts directory. The folder structure is as follows:

 ┣ 📂apps                # Stores API prompts for specific applications
   ┣ 📂excel            # Stores API prompts for Excel
   ┣ 📂word             # Stores API prompts for Word
   â”— ...
 ┣ 📂demonstration       # Stores prompts for summarizing demonstrations from humans using Step Recorder
 ┣ 📂experience          # Stores prompts for summarizing the agent's self-experience
 ┣ 📂evaluation          # Stores prompts for the EvaluationAgent
 ┣ 📂examples            # Stores demonstration examples for in-context learning
   ┣ 📂lite             # Lite version of demonstration examples
   ┣ 📂non-visual       # Examples for non-visual LLMs
   ┗ 📂visual           # Examples for visual LLMs
 ┗ 📂share               # Stores shared prompts
   ┣ 📂lite             # Lite version of shared prompts
   ┗ 📂base             # Basic version of shared prompts
     ┣ 📜api.yaml       # Basic API prompt
     ┣ 📜app_agent.yaml # Basic AppAgent prompt template
     ┗ 📜host_agent.yaml # Basic HostAgent prompt template


The lite version of prompts is a simplified version of the full prompts, which is used for LLMs that have a limited token budget. However, the lite version is not fully optimized and may lead to suboptimal performance.


The non-visual and visual folders contain examples for non-visual and visual LLMs, respectively.

Agent Prompts

Prompts used an agent usually contain the following information:

Prompt Description
Basic template A basic template for the agent prompt.
API A prompt for all skills and APIs used by the agent.
Examples Demonstration examples for the agent for in-context learning.

You can find these prompts share directory. The prompts for specific applications are stored in the apps directory.


All information is constructed using the agent's Prompter class. You can find more details about the Prompter class in the documentation here.