
Step 1

If you want to use the Ollama model, Go to Ollama and follow the instructions to serve a LLM model on your local environment. We provide a short example to show how to configure the ollama in the following, which might change if ollama makes updates.

## Install ollama on Linux & WSL2
curl https://ollama.ai/install.sh | sh
## Run the serving
ollama serve

Step 2

Open another terminal and run the following command to test the ollama model:

ollama run YOUR_MODEL


When serving LLMs via Ollama, it will by default start a server at http://localhost:11434, which will later be used as the API base in config.yaml.

Step 3

After obtaining the API key, you can configure the HOST_AGENT and APP_AGENT in the config.yaml file (rename the config_template.yaml file to config.yaml) to use the Ollama API. The following is an example configuration for the Ollama API:

VISUAL_MODE: True, # Whether to use visual mode to understand screenshots and take actions
API_TYPE: "Ollama" ,


API_BASE is the URL started in the Ollama LLM server and API_MODEL is the model name of Ollama LLM, it should be same as the one you served before. In addition, due to model token limitations, you can use lite version of prompt to have a taste on UFO which can be configured in config_dev.yaml.


If you set VISUAL_MODE to True, make sure the API_MODEL supports visual inputs.

Step 4

After configuring the HOST_AGENT and APP_AGENT with the Ollama API, you can start using UFO to interact with the Ollama API for various tasks on Windows OS. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for more details on how to get started with UFO.