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Install PostgreSQL Database

Virtual Client has dependency components that can be added to a workload or monitor profile to create a PostgreSQL database on the system. The following section illustrates the details for integrating this into the profile.

Supported Platform/Architectures

  • linux-x64
  • linux-arm64
  • win-x64
  • win-arm64

Profile Component Parameters

The following section describes the parameters used by the individual component in the profile.

PasswordNoThe password for the PostgreSQL server under test. Default is the superuser password defined within the package.


Here is the usage of the dependency by the PostgreSQL/HammerDB workload as an example. The Postgresql dependency is responsible for downloading the service, but the workload itself is responsible for creating the database and populating it.

"Type": "PostgreSQLInstallation",
"Parameters": {
"Scenario": "InstallPostgreSQLServer",
"PackageName": "postgresql"