Graph500 3.0.0 is an open-source data-intensive workload. The intent of benchmark problems (“Search” and “Shortest-Path”) is to develop a compact application that has multiple analysis techniques (multiple kernels) accessing a single data structure representing a weighted, undirected graph. In addition to a kernel to construct the graph from the input tuple list, there are two additional computational kernels to operate on the graph.
This toolset was compiled from the official website and modified so that it is easier to integrate into Virtual Client.
What is Being Measured?
Graph500 3.0.0 benchmark includes a scalable data generator which produces edge tuples containing the start vertex and end vertex for each edge. The first kernel constructs an undirected graph in a format usable by all subsequent kernels. No subsequent modifications are permitted to benefit specific kernels. The second kernel performs a breadth-first search of the graph. The third kernel performs multiple single-source shortest path computations on the graph. Performance information is collected for each of timed kernels.
Workload Metrics
The following metrics are examples of those captured by the Virtual Client when running the Graph500 workload.
Metric Name | Example Value (min) | Example Value (max) | Example Value (avg) | Unit |
NBFS | 64.0 | 64.0 | 64.0 | |
SCALE | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | |
bfs firstquartile_TEPS | 15761000.0 | 67038700.0 | 56845098.813881169 | TEPS |
bfs firstquartile_time | 0.000227928 | 0.000816584 | 0.0002837979744698972 | seconds |
bfs firstquartile_validate | 0.000623822 | 0.00194085 | 0.0007578336428823721 | |
bfs harmonic_mean_TEPS | 14672800.0 | 67092300.0 | 57506177.04407339 | TEPS |
bfs harmonic_stddev_TEPS | 22300.4 | 16672800.0 | 434906.75255222557 | TEPS |
bfs max_TEPS | 28098700.0 | 82860500.0 | 63389412.83665595 | TEPS |
bfs max_time | 0.000244141 | 0.035387 | 0.00043510345943020097 | seconds |
bfs max_validate | 0.000693321 | 0.047008 | 0.001041856006748564 | |
bfs mean_time | 0.00024204 | 0.00110674 | 0.0002955602169665692 | seconds |
bfs mean_validate | 0.000684407 | 0.00187422 | 0.0007817111418189024 | |
bfs median_TEPS | 19440900.0 | 67137800.0 | 57980723.75420894 | TEPS |
bfs median_time | 0.000241876 | 0.000835299 | 0.0002921084375797816 | seconds |
bfs median_validate | 0.000674605 | 0.00196362 | 0.0007719406334723332 | |
bfs min_TEPS | 458897.0 | 66514900.0 | 48857022.214175458 | TEPS |
bfs min_time | 0.00019598 | 0.000577927 | 0.0002590177863707418 | seconds |
bfs min_validate | 0.000576735 | 0.0015285 | 0.0007192900956972653 | |
bfs stddev_time | 6.44066e-7 | 0.00475421 | 0.000027982194087248686 | seconds |
bfs stddev_validate | 0.00000336358 | 0.00576562 | 0.000052281602518571059 | |
bfs thirdquartile_TEPS | 19886500.0 | 71246100.0 | 59167580.126158859 | TEPS |
bfs thirdquartile_time | 0.000242233 | 0.00103033 | 0.0003012372028236916 | seconds |
bfs thirdquartile_validate | 0.000685215 | 0.00210428 | 0.0007918067777274781 | |
construction_time | 0.000588655 | 0.0252874 | 0.0007551961154509821 | seconds |
edgefactor | 16.0 | 16.0 | 16.0 | |
firstquartile_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | |
graph_generation | 0.00362253 | 0.0378437 | 0.00531108784011771 | |
max_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | |
mean_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | |
median_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | |
min_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | |
num_mpi_processes | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | |
sssp firstquartile_TEPS | 7103440.0 | 28303100.0 | 24138339.69064667 | TEPS |
sssp firstquartile_time | 0.000540376 | 0.00134814 | 0.0006448348231073277 | seconds |
sssp firstquartile_validate | 0.000415564 | 0.00120902 | 0.0005190775895766969 | |
sssp harmonic_mean_TEPS | 6574410.0 | 29088900.0 | 24924518.398338397 | TEPS |
sssp harmonic_stddev_TEPS | 50786.4 | 6888650.0 | 219380.63832570378 | TEPS |
sssp max_TEPS | 12752500.0 | 33079800.0 | 27849111.3531797 | TEPS |
sssp max_time | 0.000631809 | 0.032387 | 0.000936351942484911 | seconds |
sssp max_validate | 0.000469446 | 0.0316949 | 0.0007093147225431522 | |
sssp mean_time | 0.000558253 | 0.00247003 | 0.0006791608308789002 | seconds |
sssp mean_validate | 0.000464756 | 0.00173109 | 0.0005354811297832183 | |
sssp median_TEPS | 11287900.0 | 29421700.0 | 25267604.791714319 | TEPS |
sssp median_time | 0.000551939 | 0.00143862 | 0.0006679553658494311 | seconds |
sssp median_validate | 0.000457287 | 0.00122118 | 0.0005292734985867806 | |
sssp min_TEPS | 501405.0 | 25702400.0 | 20665139.949527839 | TEPS |
sssp min_time | 0.000490904 | 0.00127339 | 0.0005974515020459081 | seconds |
sssp min_validate | 0.000386953 | 0.00117636 | 0.0004918033350196396 | |
sssp stddev_time | 0.0000224343 | 0.00482533 | 0.00006000765749555588 | seconds |
sssp stddev_validate | 0.00000136926 | 0.0052025 | 0.00003556998883639069 | |
sssp thirdquartile_TEPS | 12045500.0 | 30051300.0 | 26064637.438403917 | TEPS |
sssp thirdquartile_time | 0.000573754 | 0.00228608 | 0.0007020952992005033 | seconds |
sssp thirdquartile_validate | 0.000464916 | 0.00133038 | 0.0005423333166048377 | |
stddev_nedge | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | |
thirdquartile_nedge | 16239.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.0 |