

pywb is an enhanced interface for wb. It is more friendly to use and easier for developing.



Some software or libraries may be necessary for have been listed in WB Home Page, and another requisite is that wb(Version >= 1.2.1) need be installed.


./main.py [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path


options are compatible with wb.



# post a json file, automatically infer the Content-Type
./main.py  -p ../example/packets/requestbody2kb.json  -t 5 -c 20

# send packets in a specified directory
./main.py  -F ../example/packets/  -t 5 -c 20

# send packets in multiple files
./main.py -t 5 -c 20 -k -F ../example/packets/test-2-packets.yaml -F ../example/packets/test-2-packets.pkt
# or
./main.py -t 5 -c 20 -k -F ../example/packets/test-2-packets.yaml ../example/packets/test-2-packets.pkt


Two interfaces are provided to developers to customize new features.

# optionparser.py
class OptionParser(object):
    """ OptionParser is an abstract class and defines the interfaces.
        All of option parser need inherit this class.

    def do(self, arguments):
        """ Do the action

            - arguments: a list, the arguments what this action need

        Return is a interger that means the number of this action need
        return 0

    def dump(self):
        """ Dump the new options for wb

        Return a list of string, the options that will be passed to wb
            it's a parameters list. if the space-separated string is inserted
            into the return list, it'll be as just one parameter to pass to wb
        return []

    def help(self):
        """ Help document for this action

        Return is a string of help document for option bound by this instance
        return " "

# outputfilter.py
class OutputFilter(object):
    """ Process the output of wb
        Line by line to process the output of wb.
        It's not recommended to modify the line, because it maybe
        conflict with other filters

        line: a line of string end with '\n' from the output of wb,
            the concrete content depends on the runtime of wb.

    Return is a string. If the return is None, this filter will be a
        terminator, which means that all of the filters after this will
        lose the information of this line.
    def __call__(self, line):
        return line


import pywb

# IMPLEMENT import command
# import previous command that save in the file pywb.ini (-t 5 -c 20
# by -x pywb.ini
class ExecuteINI(pywb.OptionParser):
    def do(self, options):
        #options[0] will be the file path
        command = ""
        with open(options[0], 'r') as fd:
            command = fd.readline()
            #remove newline char
            command = command.strip()
        #split command into a list
        self.__command = command.split(' ')
        #return 1 to tell pywb, this parser only eat one argument
        return 1
    def dump(self):
        #return all of commands that will pass to wb
        print self.__command
        return self.__command
    def help(self):
        return "   -x FILE      will import some arguments that were saved in FILE as the arguments of wb"

#execute wb
pywb.execute(["-x", "pywb.ini"], customized_options={ "-x":ExecuteINI()})


import pywb

# IMPLEMENT logger
# to save all of output from wb 
class logger(pywb.OutputFilter):
    def __init__(self, log_file):
        self.__log_file = log_file
    def __call__(self, line):
        #ignore those lines only include spaces
        import re
        with open(self.__log_file, 'a') as fd:
            #save log into file
        return line

pywb.execute([], customized_filters=[logger("log")])