Challenge 09 - Helm

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There are many ways to make dinner… you can buy fresh vegetables and meat, combine it with eggs and water, season it with herbs and spices and mix it all together with cooking utensils into pots and pans and cook it in your stove, range or grill.


You can buy a microwave dinner, peel back the foil, heat it up for 5 minutes in the microwave and start eating.

Helm is the microwave dinner of the Kubernetes world, allowing you to package entire deployments that can be installed with a single command.


In this challenge you will be installing Helm locally and then creating a Helm “Chart” for the Language Facts application and then using helm to quickly deploy different version of that application.

Deploy Without Helm

Install Helm on Your Workstation

If you do not have Helm installed on your local workstation, you can do so with the following steps:

If you are using the Azure Cloud Shell, the Helm CLI is already installed and you can continue with the tasks below.

Deploy With Helm

Success Criteria

  1. Verify that helm version shows that you have it installed locally.
  2. Show that you have created a Chart to install the application.
  3. Verify that the application installs and runs correctly.
  4. Demonstrate that you are able to push the Chart to a container registry and install it from there.

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