Challenge 02 - Azure Repos: Introduction

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Historically version control has been the first component that teams have implemented, it is one of the oldest and most well understood components of DevOps. Please take a moment to review the basics of version control, specially focusing on the distributed version control technology, Git.

  1. What is version control?
  2. What is Git?


Now that we have a basic understanding of version control and Git, let’s get some code checked into source control. Since the language you use for development doesn’t have much of an impact on how we do DevOps we have provided you a simple ASP.NET Core C# web application to use.

Success Criteria

  1. You should be able to go to the Azure DevOps site and under Azure Repos see your code.
  2. You should be able to go to the Azure DevOps site and under Azure Boards and when you open your work item you should see your code associated to it. HINT: look in the “development” section on the work item. Why would it be important to be able to link a code change to the work item that it addresses?