Challenge 07 - Azure Repos: Branching & Policies

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Now that we have a deployed instance of our code, we are likely going to get a request to add a feature to our code. To this we need to implement a branching strategy. Review the below articles on the basics of a Git branching strategy and the modified version Microsoft uses called Release Flow.

  1. Git Branching Strategy
  2. GitHub Flow
  3. Release Flow


In this challenge we will first create a second build pipeline that will build and run unit tests on any code before it gets checked into the master branch. We will also implement a few policies in Azure DevOps to ensure that our team is following the rules. Finally we will make a change to our code to see how branching in Git works.

Success Criteria

  1. Verify that the change you made deployed to all three of your environments.
  2. Verify that your work item should be in the “closed” state.
  3. Show that the branch policies were in place to audit your pull request.