What the Hack: OSS DevOps

Challenge 07 - CICD via Jenkins: Continuous Build

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Continuous integration is a process in which all development work is integrated as early as possible. The resulting artifacts are automatically created and tested. This process allows to identify errors as early as possible.

Jenkins is a popular open source tool to perform continuous integration and build automation. The basic functionality of Jenkins is to execute a predefined list of steps, e.g. to compile and test Python source code and build a container from the successful test results. The trigger for this execution can be time or event based. For example, every 20 minutes or after a new commit in a Git repository.

Possible steps executed by Jenkins are for example:


In this challenge, we will get familar with Jenkins and develop a set of Jobs and try to string together a couple of Jobs to make a pipeline that will test and create the container that have the voting application within it.

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Deploy and setup a Jenkins instance
  2. Create a Jenkins Job that will:
    • Pull latest voting application code from the GitHub repo you created earlier in Challenge 1.
    • Create a Docker container image
    • Push the created container image to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Success Criteria

The success for this challenge is to be able deploy a functional Jenkins server and create a set of Jobs within that server that pull code, create container image and push that image up to a container repository.

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