Challenge 6 - Service Mesh

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A service mesh provides capabilities like traffic management, resiliency, policy, security, strong identity, and observability to your workloads.

Some of the most popular features include:

Service Mesh Credit:

There are multiple service meshes, these are the 3 most popular (all of which use Envoy as the proxy):

Microsoft has also written the Service Mesh Interface to abstract the Service Mesh requirements from the implementation. Most popular service meshes have adopted it.


For this challenge, we will deploy a Service Mesh and review some of the top features. Because there are different service meshes with similar functionality, we will not be prescriptive in the choice of the service mesh. If you’re not sure which one, choose Istio. It has the most features and walk-through documentation.

Each of the Service Meshes have their own set of documentation for how to implement these features. Please follow the instructions for your specific service mesh.

  1. Install the Service Mesh CLI
    • e.g. istioctl For Istio, linkerd for Linkerd
  2. Install the Service Mesh on your Kubernetes cluster
  3. Enable Mutual TLS
  4. Apply distributed tracing with Jaeger
  5. Enable high-level metrics
  6. Test the “Fault Injection” feature
  7. Use Flagger to automate a canary release
    • NOTE: make sure to disable mTLS before configuring Flagger

Success Criteria
