Challenge 1: Deploy IoTHub/Edge

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For this challenge you will need the following:


This is the first step of getting an environment setup to work from. This will be a straightforward challenge to ensure you have your subscription setup and to devise a plan to work with your team if you’re working as part of a group. This will be used to work as the starting point for IoT Edge communication in subsequent modules.


In this challenge you will establish all necessary cloud components needed to deploy an Edge device. Consideration should be given to using automated deployment/provisioning capabilities of Azure IoT hub as a means to gain insight into activity occurring within the plant with an Edge endpoint & provision of a virtual IoT edge device.

Azure IoT Hub will be needed that is created in one of the regions where Device Streams are available. At the time of writing, these are:

Check for the updated list of supported regions here: Device Streams: Regional availability.

Success Criteria

Learning Resources

  1. Azure IoT Hub
  2. Azure IoT Edge
  3. Azure Industrial IoT modules
  4. IoT Edge Background Deck for WTH

Advanced Challenges (Optional)

Consider using Device Provisioning service as a means to provision/attest the IoT Edge device to connect to a hub. There are a number of ways in which this can be done and would demonstrate how this could be implemented to better support provisioning devices at scale.