Challenge 0: Pre-requisites - Ready, Set, Go!

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A smart Azure engineer always has the right tools in their toolbox. In addition, a good grasp on key foundational networking concepts.


In this challenge we’ll be setting up all the tools we will need to complete our challenges.

NOTE: You can use Azure Powershell and CLI on the Azure Cloud Shell, but running the commands locally along Visual Studio Code will give you a much better experience

Networking 101

We recommend to review the below LinkedIn training and Azure docs(< 4 hours) in order to revisit key networking concepts necessary for the successful completion of this FastHack.

Success Criteria

  1. You have an Azure shell at your disposal (Powershell, WSL(2), Mac, Linux or Azure Cloud Shell)
  2. Visual Studio Code is installed.
  3. Running az login or Connect-AzAccount allows to authenticate to Azure
  4. You have reviewed foundational knowledge in the Networking 101 section