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In this challenge you will be setting up networking resources in order to deploy Azure Virtual Desktop. Your spoke virtual networks will be connected to your HUB vnet. Connectivity would need to be established for each virtual network in its respected region.
In this challenge you will create the topology described in this diagram:
Setup HUB virtual network that will consist of the following resources:
Build three virtual network spokes in each user region
New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -Location 'eastus' -TemplateUri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/WhatTheHack/master/037-AzureVirtualDesktop/Student/Resources/challenge-02_Template.json' -Verbose
az deployment sub create --location 'eastus' --template-uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/WhatTheHack/master/037-AzureVirtualDesktop/Student/Resources/challenge-02_Template.json' --verbose
If you would like to dive deeper in AVD networking: