There are few actvities for the PowerBI APP intergation with SAP HANA DB, at the high level steps can be summerized into three activities.
Make sure that SAP S/4 appliance is installed and have access details to correct SAP client.
Download and install the Power BI client, SAP Hana client and SAP HANA studio on SAP windows jump box to configure the DB connection and create the direct query using power BI desktop,
Configure the poweBI app connection to SAP HANA DB using steps from documenations (both SAP and Azure). steps include –
Login into SAP HANA Database using HANA Studio:
Initial screen of SAP HANA studio will pop up
Right click on the left space under systems and select “Add System”
Enter the system information as below
Enter system user ID and password for SAP HANA DB
Add SAP system S4P
Enter the “SYSTEM” DB user and password
Setup new User ID in SAP HANA Database:
Create a new user ID SAPOPENHACK in SAP HANA, this user will be used to connect Power BI to SAP HANA Database
Create new user SAPOPENHACK
Enter “SAPOPENHACK” ID and Password –
Add “ ABAP admin” “content admin” public” roles
Add “catalog read”, “data admin” and “export” system privileges ..
Add following object privileges — create and select
Save the configuration
When we update the “Object Privileges” with TBTCO and granter is SYSTEM it won’t save it and gives an error. So remove that object and login into S4P with SAPHANADB ( User ID) and then goto securityàUsers-àSAPOPENHACK and add the object privileges with TBTCO.
Follow the steps above and add an entry for SAPOPENHACK user also in HANA Studio.
HANA configuration is complete … now Let’s work on Power BI connection and report…
Setup the connection in Power BI desktop to SAP HANA Database:
Install Power BI Desktop
Open Power BI desktop
Click on “Get data from another source” and select “ Connect”
On following screen, type SAP Keyword
Enter SAP DB information on following screen
Enter port information as follows
How to find the right SQL port in SAP HANA
Select custom and SQL query as follows
Note: When entering User credentials please make sure you select “Database” not “Windows” on left hanad side as highlighted on the below image.
Will pop up with information about SAP table TBTCO as follows
Select “Load” after the screen appears
Select “transform data “ on opo up screen as shwon in following screen
Creating visualization in Power BI using the SAP table TBTCO
Create a Matrix.
Add fields “JOBNAME” and “AUTHCKMAN” in Rows
Add field “STATUS” in Columns
Add “EVENTID” in Values
Create a new Table in the visualization
Drag and drop fields “JOBNAME”, “JOBCLASS”, “JOBLOG”, “REAXSERVER” and “ENDDATE” under values
Create a Pie chart:
Drag and drop field “AUTHCKMAN” under Legend and field “JOBCOUNT” under Values ( with count).
Create a Filter or Slicer
Drag and drop field “AUTHCKMAN” under Field.
Save the report
Once the report is saved need to publish to Power Apps