Challenge 02 - Create a Load Testing Script
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- Ensure you have outlined your load testing strategy as described in the previous challenge.
In this challenge, you will create your load testing script. Your load testing script should target the 3 application endpoints and implement the load testing strategy you created in the previous challenge. Your scripts should help you get a baseline for how the application can handle typical user loads.
Azure Load Testing is based on Apache JMeter - a popular open source load testing tool. This means you can reuse existing JMeter scripts or create new scripts by using the JMeter GUI.
- Using the JMeter GUI, create a load testing script that targets the 3 application endpoints:
- (Get) Get - carries a get operation from the database to retrieve the current count
- (Post) Add - Updates the database with the number of visitors. You will need to pass the number of visits to increment.
- (Get) lasttimestamp - Updates the time stamp since this was accessed.
- Execute the load test using the JMeter GUI against your 3 endpoints and use the Azure portal to confirm the App Service is getting the traffic.
Success Criteria
- Verify have a load testing script (.jmx) created that targets the 3 application endpoints.
- Verify your load test in JMeter works and you are able to see the load in your sample application.
Learning Resources
Advanced Challenges (Optional)
- Your initial load test scripts may gradually increase load in a linear rate. What if you wanted to simulate users starting their day at work at different time zones? See if you are able to create a load test which steps into higher load like a stairway.