Challenge 00 - Prerequisites - Ready, Set, GO!

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Thank you for participating in the Intro To Azure Red Hat OpenShift What The Hack. This session expects you to have a baseline understanding of Kubernetes (nodes, pods, services, etc). Before you can hack, you will need to set up some prerequisites.

Common Prerequisites

We have compiled a list of common tools and software that will come in handy to complete most What The Hack Azure-based hacks!

You might not need all of them for the hack you are participating in. However, if you work with Azure on a regular basis, these are all things you should consider having in your toolbox.


Now that you have the common pre-requisites installed on your workstation, there are prerequisites specific to this hack.

Something to keep in mind: This hack can be completed entirely in Azure Cloud Shell! However, if you work with Azure often, you’ll want to consider installing these tools locally even if you plan to use Cloud Shell today. Most of the hack can also be completed using the ARO Web Console inside your web browser (and some of the challenges will be MUCH easier using the ARO Web Console).

Your coach will provide two URLs pointing to two GitHub repositories that contain resources you will need to complete the hack. Copy the URLs and keep them saved as you will be using them in Challenge 2 of this hack.

Additional Pre-requisites

| Permissions | Resource Group which contains the VNet | User executing az aro create | Service Principal passed as –client-id | | ————- | ————- | ————- | ————- | | User Access Administrator | X | X | | | Contributor | X | X | X |

Register the Microsoft.Compute resource provider

az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute –wait

Register the Microsoft.Storage resource provider

az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage –wait

Register the Microsoft.Authorization resource provider

az provider register -n Microsoft.Authorization –wait ```

Success Criteria

To complete this challenge successfully, you should be able to:

Learning Resources