Challenge 02 - Contoso Travel Assistant

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Virtual assistants augment customer service and can be leveraged to interact with customers during off-hours or when the customer service team is extremely busy.

Virtual assistants use information available in vector databases and other APIs to read and write to these data stores while providing assistants to the customers.

In this challenge, you will configure three virtual assistants that will answer questions about a fictitious country called Contoso Islands as well as a hypothetical tour company, Contoso Yachts. The virtual assistants will also allow guest to create accounts, manage bank account balances and make or cancel yacht reservations with Contoso Yachts.

There are two existing customers in the database, and there are 5 yachts that customers can make future reservations for a specific date and yacht.


In this challenge, you will configure 3 virtual assistants:

Contoso Islands Travel Assistant (Donald)

This assistant should be able to answer any question about the country of Contoso Island from any of the following categories:

Contoso Yachts Assistant (Veta)

Reservations can only be made up to 3 days from the current date. Reservations must be within the passenger capacity of the yacht. Reservations should contain the full name, email address and customer identifier in the database.

This virtual assistant should be able to do the following:

Bank Account Management Assistant (Callum)

This assistants allows customers to manage bank accounts.

System Messages & Tools for AI Assistants

In this challenge, you will be asked to configure the system message and tools used by each assistant to perform the tasks.

Configuring Your Virtual Assistants

In your /ContosoAIAppsBackend folder there is an /assistant_configurations folder that contains two files: one json and one text file

The text file (.txt) shares the same name as the AI assistant and this is where you enter the system message instructing the AI assistant how it should behave.

The JSON file (.json) share the same name as the AI assistant and this is where we define all the tools that the AI assistant is going to use when interacting with the users.

For this JSON file, the most important portions are the description property of the function as well as the description for each parameter

Mapping Python Data Types to JSON Schema Types

Python Data Type JSON Schema Reference
str string
bool boolean
int integer
float number
list or tuple array

The Python function registration for each assistant are in the following files

This is where the tools are registered in the application.

The Python function definition for each assistant are in the following files:

This is where the functions used in the tools are defined in Python code

You will have to look at the code samples to figure out how to describe the function as well as the data type for each parameter for each function. Take a look at the examples for the remaining assistants (Priscilla and Murphy) to see how it is configured to figure out the function description and parameter data types.

Make sure that the value of the first parameter to ToolUtils.register_tool_mapping() matches the name of the function in the JSON function definition for the assistant configuration.

The second parameter to ToolUtils.register_tool_mapping() is the actual Python function definition.

You will be using this information in these Python files to configure your assistants tools and system messages.

    util = ToolUtils(AssistantName.VETA, system_message1, tools_config1, conversation_id)

    util.register_tool_mapping("check_if_customer_account_exists", v_check_if_customer_account_exists)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_yacht_details", v_get_yacht_details)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_bank_account_balance", v_get_bank_account_balance)
    util.register_tool_mapping("bank_account_balance_is_sufficient", v_bank_account_balance_is_sufficient)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_valid_reservation_search_dates", v_get_valid_reservation_search_dates)
    util.register_tool_mapping("yacht_is_available_for_date", v_yacht_is_available_for_date)
    util.register_tool_mapping("is_valid_search_date", v_is_valid_search_date)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_yacht_availability_by_id", v_get_yacht_availability_by_id)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_yacht_availability_by_date", v_get_yacht_availability_by_date)
    util.register_tool_mapping("yacht_reservation_exists", v_yacht_reservation_exists)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_reservation_details", v_get_reservation_details)
    util.register_tool_mapping("cancel_yacht_reservation", v_cancel_yacht_reservation)
    util.register_tool_mapping("get_customer_yacht_reservations", v_get_customer_yacht_reservations)
    util.register_tool_mapping("create_yacht_reservation", v_create_yacht_reservation)

The format for the parameter description and typing follows the JSON schema specification so you can use this tool to figure out the data types for the parameters.

        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "ask_question",
            "description": "Retrieves answers to relevant questions about the country Contoso Islands",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "query": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The question about Contoso Islands"
                "required": ["query"]
      "type": "function",
      "function": {
          "name": "get_yacht_details",
          "description": "Retrieves the details of the yacht such as name, price, maximum capacity and description",
          "parameters": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                  "yacht_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "enum": ["100", "200","300","400","500"],
                    "description": "The yacht id for the yacht"
              "required": ["yacht_id"]

Testing and Debugging the Assistants

You can use the rest-api-ask-assistants.http REST Client in the /ContosoAIAppsBackend folder to test and debug directly against the backend how the assistants will respond. We recommend you use the REST Client so that you will be able to view and troubleshoot any error messages you receive.

The question you have for the AI assistant needs to be in the message field for the JSON object for the body of the HTTP request.

Once you have proved the backend is responding properly using the REST Client, you can navigate to the Frontend webpage for the assistants to send your questions to each one.

Sequence Diagram for How the Assistants Function

screenshot of Priscilla Sequence Diagram

Success Criteria for Each Assistant

To complete the challenge successfully, the solution should demonstrate the following:

Learning Resources

Here are a list of resources that should assist you with completing this challenge:
