Challenge 02 - Best Practices When Using Copilot

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Having explored GitHub Copilot’s capabilities, it’s time to dive deeper and refine your approach. This challenge will not only focus on adopting best practices for effective interaction with Copilot but also apply these strategies to integrate a new feature into your Whack-a-Mole game.


In this challenge, you’ll focus on learning best practices for working with GitHub Copilot to implement a new feature in your app. You’ll learn the art of prompt engineering, which involves crafting inputs that guide Copilot to provide the most relevant and helpful suggestions. Below are some to take into consideration:

Success Criteria

You will have successfully completed this challenge when you:

  1. Demonstrate the differences before and after leveraging prompt engineering techniques. You should be able to demonstrate all three scenarios.
  2. Show that you have successfully integrated a new feature into your game.

Learning Resources
