Admin-Torch documentation

A plug-in-and-play PyTorch wrapper for Adaptive model initialization (Admin).

For a neural network f, input x, randomly initialized weight w, we describe its stability ( output_change_scale) as

\[E[|f(x, w) - f(x, w + \delta)|_2^2], \mbox{where } \delta \mbox{ is a random perturbation.}\]

In our study, we show that, an original N-layer Transformer’s output_change_scale is O(n), which unstabilizes its training. Admin stabilize Transformer’s training by regulating this scale to O(logn) and O(1). We keep O(logn) as the default setting, which can handle most scenarios. In need of additional stability, set output_change_scale to O(1) instead.


admin_torch.as_module(num_res_layers, output_change_scale='default', as_parameter=False, embed_dim=None) admin_torch.admin.OmegaResidual[source]

Calculate initialization for omega and return a residual module with the initialized omega.

  • num_res_layers (int, required.) – The total number of residual layers. Typical n-layer Transformer encoder has 2n residual layers.

  • output_change_scale (str, optional (default = 'O(logn)').) – The desired output change scale at initialization. Only 'O(n)', 'O(logn)' / 'default', and 'O(1)' are supported.

  • as_parameter (bool, optional (default = False).) – Whether to set the rescalar as trainable parameter. Note that, when set as trainable parameters, the rescalar would be set as a vector (similar to the weight vector in layer norm), and the embed_dim input is required.

  • embed_dim (int, optional (default = None).) – The hidden state dimension of the shortcut connection. This field is required and only used when as_parameter == True.



Return type

It would return a OmegaResidual module with the properly initialized omega inside.


import torch.nn as nn
import admin_torch

class TransformerEncoderLayer(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, cfg):

        num_layer =  2 * cfg.encoder_layers # number of residual layers

        self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.num_heads)
        self.residual_attn = admin_torch.as_module(num_layer)
        self.ln_attn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

        self.ffn = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.feedforward_dim),
        self.residual_ffn = admin_torch.as_module(num_layer)
        self.ln_ffn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

    def forward(self, x):

        f_x, _ = self.attn(x)
        x = self.residual_attn(x, f_x)
        x = self.ln_attn(x)

        f_x = self.ffn(x)
        x = self.residual_ffn(x, f_x)
        x = self.ln_ffn(x)

        return x


admin_torch.as_parameter(network, parameter_name, num_res_layers, embed_dim, output_change_scale='default') None[source]

Calculate initialization for omega and register omega as a parameter (trainable).

  • network (torch.nn.Module, required.) – The torch.nn.Module contains the residual network. This is where the omega would be registered to.

  • parameter_name (str, required.) – The name of omega (as parameter). The omega can be accessed in the network, using the given name.

  • num_res_layers (int, required.) – The total number of residual layers. Typical n-layer Transformer encoder has 2n residual layers.

  • embed_dim (int, required.) – The hidden state dimension of the shortcut connection.

  • output_change_scale (str, optional (default = 'O(logn)').) – The desired output change scale at initialization. Only 'O(n)', 'O(logn)' / 'default', and 'O(1)' are supported.



Return type

No returns. The initialized omega would be registered as a parameter within network.


import torch.nn as nn
import admin_torch

class TransformerEncoderLayer(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, cfg):

        num_layer =  2 * cfg.encoder_layers # number of residual layers

        self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.num_heads)
        admin_torch.as_parameter(self, 'attn_omega', num_layer, cfg.embed_dim)
        self.ln_attn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

        self.ffn = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.feedforward_dim),
        admin_torch.as_parameter(self, 'ffn_omega', num_layer, cfg.embed_dim)
        self.ln_ffn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

    def forward(self, x):

        f_x, _ = self.attn(x)
        x = x * self.attn_omega + f_x
        x = self.ln_attn(x)

        f_x = self.ffn(x)
        x = x * self.ffn_omega + f_x
        x = self.ln_ffn(x)

        return x


admin_torch.as_buffer(network, buffer_name, num_res_layers, output_change_scale='default') None[source]

Calculate initialization for omega and register omega as a buffer (not trainable).

  • network (torch.nn.Module, required.) – The torch.nn.Module contains the residual network. This is where the omega would be registered to.

  • buffer_name (str, required.) – The name of omega (as buffer). The omega can be accessed in the network, using the given name.

  • num_res_layers (int, required.) – The total number of residual layers. Typical n-layer Transformer encoder has 2n residual layers.

  • output_change_scale (str, optional (default = 'O(logn)').) – The desired output change scale at initialization. Only 'O(n)', 'O(logn)' / 'default', and 'O(1)' are supported.



Return type

No returns. The initialized omega would be registered as a buffer within network.


import torch.nn as nn
import admin_torch

class TransformerEncoderLayer(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, cfg):

        num_layer =  2 * cfg.encoder_layers # number of residual layers

        self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.num_heads)
        admin_torch.as_buffer(self, 'attn_omega', num_layer)
        self.ln_attn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

        self.ffn = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(cfg.embed_dim, cfg.feedforward_dim),
        admin_torch.as_buffer(self, 'ffn_omega', num_layer)
        self.ln_ffn = nn.LayerNorm(cfg.embed_dim)

    def forward(self, x):

        f_x, _ = self.attn(x)
        x = x * self.attn_omega + f_x
        x = self.ln_attn(x)

        f_x = self.ffn(x)
        x = x * self.ffn_omega + f_x
        x = self.ln_ffn(x)

        return x


class admin_torch.OmegaResidual(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Residual connection module with shortcut connection rescaling.

  • init_value (float, required.) – The initialization value of the shortcut connection rescalar, omega.

  • as_parameter (bool, optional (default = False).) – Whether to set the rescalar as trainable parameter. Note that, when set as trainable parameters, the rescalar would be set as a vector (similar to the weight vector in layer norm), and the embed_dim input is required.

  • embed_dim (int, optional (default = None).) – The hidden state dimension of the shortcut connection. This field is required and only used when as_parameter == True.

forward(x, f_x)[source]

Calculate x * omega + f_x. The output shape would be same with the input shape.

When omega is set to be a constant 1 (as buffer and O(n) output change), the OmegaResidual would downgrade to the ordinary residual module and x + f_x would be calculated instead.