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Teams App Camp

Deploying the sample App Source Simulator and Licensing service

The lab Selling your SaaS-based Teams Extension utilizes a sample "App Source" (which stands in for the real App Source or the Teams app store) and a licensing service (which you would write for your own application).

If you wish to install these services yourself, here are the instructions.

Table of Contents (open to display ►)

Over the course of these exercises you will complete the following lab goals.

  1. Deploy the AppSource simulator and sample SaaS fulfillment and licensing service in Microsoft Azure.
  2. Observe the interactions between AppSource and a SaaS landing page in a simulated environment
  3. Connect the Northwind Orders application to the sample SaaS licensing service to enforce licenses for Microsoft Teams users

Features added in this lab

  • *AppSource* simulator enabling a customer can "purchase" a subscription to your application
  • Sample web service that fulfills this purchase and manages licenses for Microsoft Teams users to use the Northwind Orders application
  • Northwind Orders application checks to ensure Microsoft Teams users are licensed or displays an error page

Lab prerequisites

This lab requires the following prerequisites.

  1. An active Azure subscription on your own Azure tenant.
  2. An active M365 tenant, which can be the one you created in the prerequisites lab.
  3. PowerShell 7 (This is cross-platform and will run on MacOS and Linux)
  4. .NET Core 3.1 SDK (This is cross-platform and will run on MacOS and Linux)
  5. .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack


If you want to run or modify these applications locally, you may find it helpful to install Visual Studio 2022 for Windows. The free Community edition will work fine. During installation, select the following modules to be added to Visual Studio.

  1. ASP.NET and web development

  2. Azure development

  3. Office/SharePoint development

  4. .NET cross-platform development

Install the prerequisites

  1. Install PowerShell 7
  2. Install the following PowerShell modules (You will need an elevated prompt)

    powershell Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -AllowClobber -Force

Exercise 1: Download source code for lab

To complete this lab you'll deploy the following to Azure.

  • Northwind Web App - The Northwind SaaS application
  • License Service Web API - An API that serves as a licensing service
  • AppSource Simulator - An application that simulates the AppSource
  • SQL Server and database

You'll create the three applications and their supporting infrastructure using automated deployment scripts called ARM templates.

Download the source code needed for these services

  1. Go to
  2. Clone or download the project to your local machine.

Exercise 2: Deploy resources to Azure

In this exercise you will deploy resources into your Azure subscription using an ARM template. These resources will all share the same resource group. They include the three web applications and a SQL server instance with a database.

Step 1: Update ARM parameters file

  1. In the project you just downloaded in Exercise 1, Step 2, go to folder office-add-in-saas-monetization-sample/Deployment_SaaS_Resources/ in your text editor.
  2. Open the ARMParameters.json file and note the following parameters. text - webAppSiteName - webApiSiteName - resourceMockWebSiteName - domainName - directoryId (Directory (tenant) ID) - sqlAdministratorLogin - sqlAdministratorLoginPassword - sqlMockDatabaseName - sqlSampleDatabaseName
  3. Enter a unique name for each web app and web site in the parameter list shown below because each one must have a unique name across all of Azure. All of the parameters that correspond to web apps and sites in the following list end in SiteName.


If you need assistance findinn your domainName and directoryId, please refer to this article.

Based on the subscription you are using, you may change the location where your azure resources are deployed. To change this, find the DeployTemplate.ps1 file and search for variable $location. By default it is centralus but you can change it to a region near you, such as eastus.

Leave the rest of the configuration in file ARMParameters.json as is, this will be automatically filled in after scripts deploy the resources.

  1. In a Powershell 7 window, change to the ./Deployment_SaaS_Resources directory.

  2. Run the following command. You will be prompted to sign in and accept a Permissions requested dialog as shown below.

    powershell Connect-Graph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All, Directory.AccessAsUser.All DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All Directory.ReadWrite.All"

Graph consent

  1. Click Accept.

Once accepted, the browser will redirect and show the below message. You can close the browser and continue with the PowerShell command line.

Graph consent redirect

  1. In the same PowerShell terminal window run .\InstallApps.ps1.


This step adds Microsoft Graph PowerShell in Azure Active Directory under Enterprise Applications with the necessary permissions so we can create the needed applications for this particular exercise using its commands.


You might get an error as shown below. It depends on the execution policy settings in PowerShell. If you do get the error, move to Step 2. If you do not get the error keep going.

execution policy

  1. Copy the values from the output and later you will need these values to update the code and .env file for deploying add-ins. These values will also be pre-populated in ARMParameters.json. Do not change this file.
  2. Note how the ARMParameters.json file is now updated with the values of applications deployed.
  3. Since you did not get the PowerShell error, move to Step 3.

Step 2: Overcoming install errors


This step is only needed if the previous step ended in an error.

The error you experienced above is likely due to the execution policy of your PowerShell terminal. Here you will set the PowerShell execution policy to be less restrictive and then re-run the install script.

You will set the execution policy to Bypass for now. Read more on execution policies here.

  1. Run below PowerShell command. powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
  2. Now re-run .\InstallApps.ps1

    The script should now run to create all three applications in Azure AD. At the end of the script, your command line should display below information.:

app id secret

  1. Copy the values from the output and later you will need these values to update the code and .env file for deploying Add-ins. These values will also be pre-populated in ARMParameters.json. Do not change this file.

  2. Notice how the ARMParameters.json file is now updated with the values of applications deployed.

Step 3: Deploy the ARM template with PowerShell

  1. Open PowerShell 7 and run the Powershell command Connect-AzAccount. This will redirect you to login page.
  2. Confirm with the Global admin credentials. You will be redirected to a page displaying below.

Azure CLI consent redirect

  1. Close the browser and continue with PowerShell. You will see similar output to that shown below in your command line, if everything is okay.


  1. Run the script .\DeployTemplate.ps1. When prompted, enter the name of the resource group to create.


Your resources will start to get deployed one after the other and you'll see the output as shown below if everything is okay.


You'll get a message on the command line that the ARM Template deployment was successfully as shown below.


  1. Go to the App registrations in Azure AD in Azure portal. Use this link to navigate to it.

Under All applications, filter with Display name Contoso Monetization. You should see three apps as shown in the screen below:

AZ AD Apps

Step 4: Deploy the applications to Azure

Here you'll deploy the server side code for the three applications.

  1. In the command line, change to the .\MonetizationCodeSample directory.
  2. Run the script .\PublishSaaSApps.ps1.
  3. When prompted, enter the same resource group name you chose earlier. You will see the source code in your local machine getting built and packaged.

Build Apps


You may see some warnings about file expiration, please ignore.

The final messages may look like the image below.

publish Apps

Step 5: Complete the monetization lab

At this point you should be able to complete the Selling your SaaS-based Teams Extension lab using these values in the .env file, and granting permission to the application your just registered.


Replace the values <webApiSiteName> and <webApiClientId> with the values from your ARMParameters.json file.

Try visiting the AppSource simulator, which is at https://(webAppSiteName); you should be able to log in using your tenant administrator account. Don't purchase a subscription yet, however!