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Namespace AutoGen.SemanticKernel



A middleware that consumes Microsoft.SemanticKernel.KernelPlugin


Semantic Kernel Agent Income message could be one of the following type:

  • IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent
Return message could be one of the following type:
  • IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent
  • (streaming) IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.StreamingChatMessageContent

To support more AutoGen built-in IMessage, register with SemanticKernelChatMessageContentConnector.


This middleware converts the incoming IMessage to Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent before passing to agent. And converts the reply message from Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent to IMessage before returning to the caller.

requirement for agent

- Input message type: IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent

- Reply message type: IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatMessageContent

- (streaming) Reply message type: IMessage<T> where T is Microsoft.SemanticKernel.StreamingChatMessageContent

This middleware supports the following message types:

- TextMessage

- ImageMessage

- MultiModalMessage

This middleware returns the following message types:

- TextMessage

- ImageMessage

- MultiModalMessage

- (streaming) TextMessageUpdate