Source code for autogen_core._topic
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing_extensions import Self
def is_valid_topic_type(value: str) -> bool:
return bool(re.match(r"^[\w\-\.\:\=]+\Z", value))
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class TopicId:
TopicId defines the scope of a broadcast message. In essence, agent runtime implements a publish-subscribe model through its broadcast API: when publishing a message, the topic must be specified.
See here for more information: :ref:`topic_and_subscription_topic`
type: str
"""Type of the event that this topic_id contains. Adhere's to the cloud event spec.
Must match the pattern: ^[\\w\\-\\.\\:\\=]+\\Z
Learn more here:
source: str
"""Identifies the context in which an event happened. Adhere's to the cloud event spec.
Learn more here:
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if is_valid_topic_type(self.type) is False:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid topic type: {self.type}. Must match the pattern: ^[\\w\\-\\.\\:\\=]+\\Z")
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.type}/{self.source}"
def from_str(cls, topic_id: str) -> Self:
"""Convert a string of the format ``type/source`` into a TopicId"""
items = topic_id.split("/", maxsplit=1)
if len(items) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid topic id: {topic_id}")
type, source = items[0], items[1]
return cls(type, source)