Source code for autogen_ext.models.openai.config

from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union

from autogen_core import ComponentModel
from autogen_core.models import ModelCapabilities, ModelInfo  # type: ignore
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Required, TypedDict

from .._azure_token_provider import AzureTokenProvider

class ResponseFormat(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["text", "json_object"]

class CreateArguments(TypedDict, total=False):
    frequency_penalty: Optional[float]
    logit_bias: Optional[Dict[str, int]]
    max_tokens: Optional[int]
    n: Optional[int]
    presence_penalty: Optional[float]
    response_format: ResponseFormat
    seed: Optional[int]
    stop: Union[Optional[str], List[str]]
    temperature: Optional[float]
    top_p: Optional[float]
    user: str

AsyncAzureADTokenProvider = Callable[[], Union[str, Awaitable[str]]]

class BaseOpenAIClientConfiguration(CreateArguments, total=False):
    model: str
    api_key: str
    timeout: Union[float, None]
    max_retries: int
    model_capabilities: ModelCapabilities  # type: ignore
    model_info: ModelInfo
    """What functionality the model supports, determined by default from model name but is overriden if value passed."""

# See OpenAI docs for explanation of these parameters
[docs] class OpenAIClientConfiguration(BaseOpenAIClientConfiguration, total=False): organization: str base_url: str
[docs] class AzureOpenAIClientConfiguration(BaseOpenAIClientConfiguration, total=False): # Azure specific azure_endpoint: Required[str] azure_deployment: str api_version: Required[str] azure_ad_token: str azure_ad_token_provider: AsyncAzureADTokenProvider | AzureTokenProvider
__all__ = [ "AzureOpenAIClientConfiguration", "OpenAIClientConfiguration", "AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel", "OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel", ] # Pydantic equivalents of the above TypedDicts class CreateArgumentsConfigModel(BaseModel): frequency_penalty: float | None = None logit_bias: Dict[str, int] | None = None max_tokens: int | None = None n: int | None = None presence_penalty: float | None = None response_format: ResponseFormat | None = None seed: int | None = None stop: str | List[str] | None = None temperature: float | None = None top_p: float | None = None user: str | None = None class BaseOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel(CreateArgumentsConfigModel): model: str api_key: str | None = None timeout: float | None = None max_retries: int | None = None model_capabilities: ModelCapabilities | None = None # type: ignore model_info: ModelInfo | None = None # See OpenAI docs for explanation of these parameters class OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel(BaseOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel): organization: str | None = None base_url: str | None = None class AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel(BaseOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel): # Azure specific azure_endpoint: str azure_deployment: str | None = None api_version: str azure_ad_token: str | None = None azure_ad_token_provider: ComponentModel | None = None