    "description lang=en": |
      Tutorial for AgentChat, a high-level API for AutoGen

# Introduction

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to using AgentChat.
Make sure you have first followed the [installation instructions](../installation.md)
to prepare your environment.

At any point you are stuck, feel free to ask for help on
[GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/microsoft/autogen/discussions)
or [Discord](https://aka.ms/autogen-discord).

If you are coming from AutoGen v0.2, please read the [migration guide](../migration-guide.md).

::::{grid} 2 2 2 2
:gutter: 3

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`brain;pst-color-primary` Models
:link: ./models.html

How to use LLM model clients

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`envelope;pst-color-primary` Messages
:link: ./messages.html

Understand the message types

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`robot;pst-color-primary` Agents
:link: ./agents.html

Work with AgentChat agents and get started with {py:class}`~autogen_agentchat.agents.AssistantAgent`

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`sitemap;pst-color-primary` Teams
:link: ./teams.html

Work with teams of agents and get started with {py:class}`~autogen_agentchat.teams.RoundRobinGroupChat`.

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`person-chalkboard;pst-color-primary` Human-in-the-Loop
:link: ./human-in-the-loop.html

Best practices for providing feedback to a team

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`circle-stop;pst-color-primary` Termination
:link: ./termination.html

Control a team using termination conditions

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`code;pst-color-primary` Custom Agents
:link: ./custom-agents.html

Create your own agents

:::{grid-item-card} {fas}`database;pst-color-primary` Managing State
:link: ./state.html

Save and load agents and teams for persistent sessions