# Azure OpenAI with AAD Auth

This guide will show you how to use the Azure OpenAI client with Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication.

The identity used must be assigned the [**Cognitive Services OpenAI User**](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/how-to/role-based-access-control#cognitive-services-openai-user) role.

## Install Azure Identity client

The Azure identity client is used to authenticate with Azure Active Directory.

pip install azure-identity

## Using the Model Client

from autogen_ext.models.openai import AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential, get_bearer_token_provider

# Create the token provider
token_provider = get_bearer_token_provider(
    DefaultAzureCredential(), "https://cognitiveservices.azure.com/.default"

client = AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient(
    model="{model-name, such as gpt-4o}",

See [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/how-to/managed-identity#chat-completions) for how to use the Azure client directly or for more info.