# Intro

Agents can work together in a variety of ways to solve problems.
Research works like [AutoGen](https://aka.ms/autogen-paper),
and [ChatDev](https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07924) have shown
multi-agent systems out-performing single agent systems at complex tasks
like software development.

A multi-agent design pattern is a structure that emerges from message protocols:
it describes how agents interact with each other to solve problems.
For example, the [tool-equipped agent](../components/tools.ipynb#tool-equipped-agent) in
the previous section employs a design pattern called ReAct,
which involves an agent interacting with tools.

You can implement any multi-agent design pattern using AutoGen agents.
In the next two sections, we will discuss two common design patterns:
group chat for task decomposition, and reflection for robustness.