
There are two ways to install AutoGen Studio - from PyPi or from source. We recommend installing from PyPi unless you plan to modify the source code.

  1. Install from PyPi

    We recommend using a virtual environment (e.g., conda) to avoid conflicts with existing Python packages. With Python 3.10 or newer active in your virtual environment, use pip to install AutoGen Studio:

    pip install -U autogenstudio
  2. Install from Source

    Note: This approach requires some familiarity with building interfaces in React.

    If you prefer to install from source, ensure you have Python 3.10+ and Node.js (version above 14.15.0) installed. Here’s how you get started:

    • Clone the AutoGen Studio repository and install its Python dependencies:

      pip install -e .
    • Navigate to the samples/apps/autogen-studio/frontend directory, install dependencies, and build the UI:

      npm install -g gatsby-cli
      npm install --global yarn
      cd frontend
      yarn install
      yarn build

For Windows users, to build the frontend, you may need alternative commands to build the frontend.

  gatsby clean && rmdir /s /q ..\\autogenstudio\\web\\ui 2>nul & (set \"PREFIX_PATH_VALUE=\" || ver>nul) && gatsby build --prefix-paths && xcopy /E /I /Y public ..\\autogenstudio\\web\\ui

Running the Application#

Once installed, run the web UI by entering the following in a terminal:

autogenstudio ui --port 8081 --appdir /path/to/folder

This will start the application on the specified port. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8081/ to begin using AutoGen Studio.

AutoGen Studio also takes several parameters to customize the application:

  • --host <host> argument to specify the host address. By default, it is set to localhost.

  • --appdir <appdir> argument to specify the directory where the app files (e.g., database and generated user files) are stored. By default, it is set to the a .autogenstudio directory in the user’s home directory.

  • --port <port> argument to specify the port number. By default, it is set to 8080.

  • --upgrade-database argument to upgrade the database schema (assuming there are changes in the version you are installing). By default, it is set to False.

  • --reload argument to enable auto-reloading of the server when changes are made to the code. By default, it is set to False.

  • --database-uri argument to specify the database URI. Example values include sqlite:///database.sqlite for SQLite and postgresql+psycopg://user:password@localhost/dbname for PostgreSQL. If this is not specified, the database URI defaults to a database.sqlite file in the --appdir directory.

Now that you have AutoGen Studio installed and running, you are ready to explore its capabilities, including defining and modifying agent workflows, interacting with agents and sessions, and expanding agent skills.