Source code for
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import inspect
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Type, cast
from autogen_core import CancellationToken
from import BaseTool
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_model
from import BaseTool as LangChainTool
class LangChainToolAdapter(BaseTool[BaseModel, Any]):
"""Allows you to wrap a LangChain tool and make it available to AutoGen.
.. note::
This class requires the :code:`langchain` extra for the :code:`autogen-ext` package.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U "autogen-ext[langchain]"
langchain_tool (LangChainTool): A LangChain tool to wrap
Use the `PythonAstREPLTool` from the `langchain_experimental` package to
create a tool that allows you to interact with a Pandas DataFrame.
.. code-block:: python
import asyncio
import pandas as pd
from import PythonAstREPLTool
from import LangChainToolAdapter
from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient
from autogen_agentchat.messages import TextMessage
from autogen_agentchat.agents import AssistantAgent
from autogen_agentchat.ui import Console
from autogen_core import CancellationToken
async def main() -> None:
df = pd.read_csv("") # type: ignore
tool = LangChainToolAdapter(PythonAstREPLTool(locals={"df": df}))
model_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient(model="gpt-4o")
agent = AssistantAgent(
system_message="Use the `df` variable to access the dataset.",
await Console(
[TextMessage(content="What's the average age of the passengers?", source="user")], CancellationToken()
This example demonstrates how to use the `SQLDatabaseToolkit` from the `langchain_community`
package to interact with an SQLite database.
It uses the :class:`` to iterate the single agent over multiple steps.
If you want to one step at a time, you can just call `run_stream` method of the
:class:`~autogen_agentchat.agents.AssistantAgent` class directly.
.. code-block:: python
import asyncio
import sqlite3
import requests
from autogen_agentchat.agents import AssistantAgent
from autogen_agentchat.conditions import TextMentionTermination
from autogen_agentchat.teams import RoundRobinGroupChat
from autogen_agentchat.ui import Console
from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient
from import LangChainToolAdapter
from langchain_community.agent_toolkits.sql.toolkit import SQLDatabaseToolkit
from langchain_community.utilities.sql_database import SQLDatabase
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from sqlalchemy import Engine, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool
def get_engine_for_chinook_db() -> Engine:
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
sql_script = response.text
connection = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", check_same_thread=False)
return create_engine(
creator=lambda: connection,
connect_args={"check_same_thread": False},
async def main() -> None:
# Create the engine and database wrapper.
engine = get_engine_for_chinook_db()
db = SQLDatabase(engine)
# Create the toolkit.
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
toolkit = SQLDatabaseToolkit(db=db, llm=llm)
# Create the LangChain tool adapter for every tool in the toolkit.
tools = [LangChainToolAdapter(tool) for tool in toolkit.get_tools()]
# Create the chat completion client.
model_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient(model="gpt-4o")
# Create the assistant agent.
agent = AssistantAgent(
tools=tools, # type: ignore
system_message="Respond with 'TERMINATE' if the task is completed.",
# Create termination condition.
termination = TextMentionTermination("TERMINATE")
# Create a round-robin group chat to iterate the single agent over multiple steps.
chat = RoundRobinGroupChat([agent], termination_condition=termination)
# Run the chat.
await Console(chat.run_stream(task="Show some tables in the database"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
def __init__(self, langchain_tool: LangChainTool):
self._langchain_tool: LangChainTool = langchain_tool
# Extract name and description
name =
description = self._langchain_tool.description or ""
# Determine the callable method
if hasattr(self._langchain_tool, "func") and callable(self._langchain_tool.func): # type: ignore
assert self._langchain_tool.func is not None # type: ignore
self._callable: Callable[..., Any] = self._langchain_tool.func # type: ignore
elif hasattr(self._langchain_tool, "_run") and callable(self._langchain_tool._run): # type: ignore
self._callable: Callable[..., Any] = self._langchain_tool._run # type: ignore
raise AttributeError(
f"The provided LangChain tool '{name}' does not have a callable 'func' or '_run' method."
# Determine args_type
if self._langchain_tool.args_schema: # pyright: ignore
args_type = self._langchain_tool.args_schema # pyright: ignore
# Infer args_type from the callable's signature
sig = inspect.signature(cast(Callable[..., Any], self._callable)) # type: ignore
fields = {
k: (v.annotation, Field(...))
for k, v in sig.parameters.items()
if k != "self" and v.kind not in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD)
args_type = create_model(f"{name}Args", **fields) # type: ignore
# Note: type ignore is used due to a LangChain typing limitation
# Ensure args_type is a subclass of BaseModel
if not issubclass(args_type, BaseModel):
raise ValueError(f"Failed to create a valid Pydantic v2 model for {name}")
# Assume return_type as Any if not specified
return_type: Type[Any] = object
super().__init__(args_type, return_type, name, description)
async def run(self, args: BaseModel, cancellation_token: CancellationToken) -> Any:
# Prepare arguments
kwargs = args.model_dump()
# Determine if the callable is asynchronous
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self._callable):
return await self._callable(**kwargs)
# Run in a thread to avoid blocking the event loop
return await asyncio.to_thread(self._call_sync, kwargs)
def _call_sync(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
return self._callable(**kwargs)