
AutoGen AgentChat

Library that is at a similar level of abstraction as AutoGen 0.2, including default agents and group chat.

pip install autogen-agentchat==0.4.0dev0

API Reference | Source

AutoGen Core

Implements the core functionality of the AutoGen framework, providing basic building blocks for creating multi-agent systems.

pip install autogen-core==0.4.0dev0

API Reference | Source

AutoGen Extensions

Implementations of core components that interface with external services, or use extra dependencies. For example, Docker based code execution.

pip install autogen-ext==0.4.0dev0

API Reference | Source

Magentic One

A generalist multi-agent softbot utilizing five agents to tackle intricate tasks involving multi-step planning and real-world actions.


Not yet available on PyPI.


AutoGen Bench

AutoGenBench is a tool for repeatedly running pre-defined AutoGen tasks in tightly-controlled initial conditions.

pip install autogenbench

PyPI | Source