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def with_id_rename(docs: Iterable) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]

Utility changes _id field from Collection into id for Document.


class MongoDBAtlasVectorDB(VectorDB)

A Collection object for MongoDB.


def __init__(connection_string: str = "",
database_name: str = "vector_db",
embedding_function: Callable = SentenceTransformer(
collection_name: str = None,
index_name: str = "vector_index",
overwrite: bool = False,
wait_until_index_ready: float = None,
wait_until_document_ready: float = None)

Initialize the vector database.


  • connection_string - str | The MongoDB connection string to connect to. Default is ''.
  • database_name - str | The name of the database. Default is 'vector_db'.
  • embedding_function - Callable | The embedding function used to generate the vector representation.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection to create for this vector database Defaults to None
  • index_name - str | Index name for the vector database, defaults to 'vector_index'
  • overwrite - bool = False
  • wait_until_index_ready - float | None | Blocking call to wait until the database indexes are ready. None, the default, means no wait.
  • wait_until_document_ready - float | None | Blocking call to wait until the database indexes are ready. None, the default, means no wait.


def list_collections()

List the collections in the vector database.


List[str] | The list of collections.


def create_collection(collection_name: str,
overwrite: bool = False,
get_or_create: bool = True) -> Collection

Create a collection in the vector database and create a vector search index in the collection.


  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection.
  • overwrite - bool | Whether to overwrite the collection if it exists. Default is False.
  • get_or_create - bool | Whether to get or create the collection. Default is True


def create_index_if_not_exists(index_name: str = "vector_index",
collection: Collection = None) -> None

Creates a vector search index on the specified collection in MongoDB.


  • MONGODB_INDEX str, optional - The name of the vector search index to create. Defaults to "vector_search_index".
  • collection Collection, optional - The MongoDB collection to create the index on. Defaults to None.


def get_collection(collection_name: str = None) -> Collection

Get the collection from the vector database.


  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None. If None, return the current active collection.


Collection | The collection object.


def delete_collection(collection_name: str) -> None

Delete the collection from the vector database.


  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection.


def create_vector_search_index(
collection: Collection,
index_name: Union[str, None] = "vector_index",
similarity: Literal["euclidean", "cosine",
"dotProduct"] = "cosine") -> None

Create a vector search index in the collection.


  • collection - An existing Collection in the Atlas Database.
  • index_name - Vector Search Index name.
  • similarity - Algorithm used for measuring vector similarity.
  • kwargs - Additional keyword arguments.




def insert_docs(docs: List[Document],
collection_name: str = None,
upsert: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> None

Insert Documents and Vector Embeddings into the collection of the vector database.

For large numbers of Documents, insertion is performed in batches.


  • docs - List[Document] | A list of documents. Each document is a TypedDict Document.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None.
  • upsert - bool | Whether to update the document if it exists. Default is False.
  • batch_size - Number of documents to be inserted in each batch


def update_docs(docs: List[Document],
collection_name: str = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Update documents, including their embeddings, in the Collection.

Optionally allow upsert as kwarg.

Uses deepcopy to avoid changing docs.


  • docs - List[Document] | A list of documents.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None.
  • kwargs - Any | Use upsert=True` to insert documents whose ids are not present in collection.


def delete_docs(ids: List[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs)

Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.


  • ids - List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed ItemID.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None.


def get_docs_by_ids(ids: List[ItemID] = None,
collection_name: str = None,
include: List[str] = None,
**kwargs) -> List[Document]

Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.


  • ids - List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None.
  • include - List[str] | The fields to include. If None, will include ["metadata", "content"], ids will always be included. Basically, use include to choose whether to include embedding and metadata
  • kwargs - dict | Additional keyword arguments.


List[Document] | The results.


def retrieve_docs(queries: List[str],
collection_name: str = None,
n_results: int = 10,
distance_threshold: float = -1,
**kwargs) -> QueryResults

Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.


  • queries - List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
  • collection_name - str | The name of the collection. Default is None.
  • n_results - int | The number of relevant documents to return. Default is 10.
  • distance_threshold - float | The threshold for the distance score, only distance smaller than it will be returned. Don't filter with it if < 0. Default is -1.
  • kwargs - Dict | Additional keyword arguments. Ones of importance follow:
  • oversampling_factor - int | This times n_results is 'ef' in the HNSW algorithm. It determines the number of nearest neighbor candidates to consider during the search phase. A higher value leads to more accuracy, but is slower. Default is 10


QueryResults | For each query string, a list of nearest documents and their scores.