Source code for autogen_ext.agents.web_surfer.playwright_controller

import asyncio
import base64
import io
import os
import random
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

# TODO: Fix unfollowed import
    # Suppress warnings from markitdown -- which is pretty chatty
    warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", module="markitdown")
    from markitdown import MarkItDown  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    MarkItDown = None
from playwright._impl._errors import Error as PlaywrightError
from playwright._impl._errors import TimeoutError
from playwright.async_api import Download, Page

from ._types import (

[docs] class PlaywrightController: """ A helper class to allow Playwright to interact with web pages to perform actions such as clicking, filling, and scrolling. Args: downloads_folder (str | None): The folder to save downloads to. If None, downloads are not saved. animate_actions (bool): Whether to animate the actions (create fake cursor to click). viewport_width (int): The width of the viewport. viewport_height (int): The height of the viewport. _download_handler (Optional[Callable[[Download], None]]): A function to handle downloads. to_resize_viewport (bool): Whether to resize the viewport """ def __init__( self, downloads_folder: str | None = None, animate_actions: bool = False, viewport_width: int = 1440, viewport_height: int = 900, _download_handler: Optional[Callable[[Download], None]] = None, to_resize_viewport: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Initialize the PlaywrightController. """ assert isinstance(animate_actions, bool) assert isinstance(viewport_width, int) assert isinstance(viewport_height, int) assert viewport_height > 0 assert viewport_width > 0 self.animate_actions = animate_actions self.downloads_folder = downloads_folder self.viewport_width = viewport_width self.viewport_height = viewport_height self._download_handler = _download_handler self.to_resize_viewport = to_resize_viewport self._page_script: str = "" self.last_cursor_position: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) self._markdown_converter: Optional[Any] | None = None # Read page_script with open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "page_script.js"), "rt") as fh: self._page_script =
[docs] async def sleep(self, page: Page, duration: Union[int, float]) -> None: """ Pause the execution for a specified duration. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. duration (Union[int, float]): The duration to sleep in milliseconds. """ assert page is not None await page.wait_for_timeout(duration * 1000)
[docs] async def get_interactive_rects(self, page: Page) -> Dict[str, InteractiveRegion]: """ Retrieve interactive regions from the web page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: Dict[str, InteractiveRegion]: A dictionary of interactive regions. """ assert page is not None # Read the regions from the DOM try: await page.evaluate(self._page_script) except Exception: pass result = cast(Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], await page.evaluate("MultimodalWebSurfer.getInteractiveRects();")) # Convert the results into appropriate types assert isinstance(result, dict) typed_results: Dict[str, InteractiveRegion] = {} for k in result: assert isinstance(k, str) typed_results[k] = interactiveregion_from_dict(result[k]) return typed_results
[docs] async def get_visual_viewport(self, page: Page) -> VisualViewport: """ Retrieve the visual viewport of the web page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: VisualViewport: The visual viewport of the page. """ assert page is not None try: await page.evaluate(self._page_script) except Exception: pass return visualviewport_from_dict(await page.evaluate("MultimodalWebSurfer.getVisualViewport();"))
[docs] async def get_focused_rect_id(self, page: Page) -> str | None: """ Retrieve the ID of the currently focused element. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: str: The ID of the focused element or None if no control has focus. """ assert page is not None try: await page.evaluate(self._page_script) except Exception: pass result = await page.evaluate("MultimodalWebSurfer.getFocusedElementId();") return None if result is None else str(result)
[docs] async def get_page_metadata(self, page: Page) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieve metadata from the web page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of page metadata. """ assert page is not None try: await page.evaluate(self._page_script) except Exception: pass result = await page.evaluate("MultimodalWebSurfer.getPageMetadata();") assert isinstance(result, dict) return cast(Dict[str, Any], result)
[docs] async def on_new_page(self, page: Page) -> None: """ Handle actions to perform on a new page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. """ assert page is not None page.on("download", self._download_handler) # type: ignore if self.to_resize_viewport and self.viewport_width and self.viewport_height: await page.set_viewport_size({"width": self.viewport_width, "height": self.viewport_height}) await self.sleep(page, 0.2) await page.add_init_script(path=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "page_script.js")) await page.wait_for_load_state()
[docs] async def back(self, page: Page) -> None: """ Navigate back to the previous page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. """ assert page is not None await page.go_back()
[docs] async def visit_page(self, page: Page, url: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Visit a specified URL. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. url (str): The URL to visit. Returns: Tuple[bool, bool]: A tuple indicating whether to reset prior metadata hash and last download. """ assert page is not None reset_prior_metadata_hash = False reset_last_download = False try: # Regular webpage await page.goto(url) await page.wait_for_load_state() reset_prior_metadata_hash = True except Exception as e_outer: # Downloaded file if self.downloads_folder and "net::ERR_ABORTED" in str(e_outer): async with page.expect_download() as download_info: try: await page.goto(url) except Exception as e_inner: if "net::ERR_ABORTED" in str(e_inner): pass else: raise e_inner download = await download_info.value fname = os.path.join(self.downloads_folder, download.suggested_filename) await download.save_as(fname) message = f"<body style=\"margin: 20px;\"><h1>Successfully downloaded '{download.suggested_filename}' to local path:<br><br>{fname}</h1></body>" await page.goto( "data:text/html;base64," + base64.b64encode(message.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") ) reset_last_download = True else: raise e_outer return reset_prior_metadata_hash, reset_last_download
[docs] async def page_down(self, page: Page) -> None: """ Scroll the page down by one viewport height minus 50 pixels. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. """ assert page is not None await page.evaluate(f"window.scrollBy(0, {self.viewport_height-50});")
[docs] async def page_up(self, page: Page) -> None: """ Scroll the page up by one viewport height minus 50 pixels. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. """ assert page is not None await page.evaluate(f"window.scrollBy(0, -{self.viewport_height-50});")
[docs] async def gradual_cursor_animation( self, page: Page, start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, end_y: float ) -> None: """ Animate the cursor movement gradually from start to end coordinates. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. start_x (float): The starting x-coordinate. start_y (float): The starting y-coordinate. end_x (float): The ending x-coordinate. end_y (float): The ending y-coordinate. """ # animation helper steps = 20 for step in range(steps): x = start_x + (end_x - start_x) * (step / steps) y = start_y + (end_y - start_y) * (step / steps) # await page.mouse.move(x, y, steps=1) await page.evaluate(f""" (function() {{ let cursor = document.getElementById('red-cursor'); = '{x}px'; = '{y}px'; }})(); """) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) self.last_cursor_position = (end_x, end_y)
[docs] async def add_cursor_box(self, page: Page, identifier: str) -> None: """ Add a red cursor box around the element with the given identifier. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. """ # animation helper await page.evaluate(f""" (function() {{ let elm = document.querySelector("[__elementId='{identifier}']"); if (elm) {{ = 'border 0.3s ease-in-out'; = '2px solid red'; }} }})(); """) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) # Create a red cursor await page.evaluate(""" (function() { let cursor = document.createElement('div'); = 'red-cursor'; = '10px'; = '10px'; = 'red'; = 'absolute'; = '50%'; = '10000'; document.body.appendChild(cursor); })(); """)
[docs] async def remove_cursor_box(self, page: Page, identifier: str) -> None: """ Remove the red cursor box around the element with the given identifier. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. """ # Remove the highlight and cursor await page.evaluate(f""" (function() {{ let elm = document.querySelector("[__elementId='{identifier}']"); if (elm) {{ = ''; }} let cursor = document.getElementById('red-cursor'); if (cursor) {{ cursor.remove(); }} }})(); """)
[docs] async def click_id(self, page: Page, identifier: str) -> Page | None: """ Click the element with the given identifier. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. Returns: Page | None: The new page if a new page is opened, otherwise None. """ new_page: Page | None = None assert page is not None target = page.locator(f"[__elementId='{identifier}']") # See if it exists try: await target.wait_for(timeout=5000) except TimeoutError: raise ValueError("No such element.") from None # Click it await target.scroll_into_view_if_needed() await asyncio.sleep(0.3) box = cast(Dict[str, Union[int, float]], await target.bounding_box()) if self.animate_actions: await self.add_cursor_box(page, identifier) # Move cursor to the box slowly start_x, start_y = self.last_cursor_position end_x, end_y = box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2 await self.gradual_cursor_animation(page, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) try: # Give it a chance to open a new page async with page.expect_event("popup", timeout=1000) as page_info: # type: ignore await, end_y, delay=10) new_page = await page_info.value # type: ignore assert isinstance(new_page, Page) await self.on_new_page(new_page) except TimeoutError: pass await self.remove_cursor_box(page, identifier) else: try: # Give it a chance to open a new page async with page.expect_event("popup", timeout=1000) as page_info: # type: ignore await["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2, delay=10) new_page = await page_info.value # type: ignore assert isinstance(new_page, Page) await self.on_new_page(new_page) except TimeoutError: pass return new_page # type: ignore
[docs] async def hover_id(self, page: Page, identifier: str) -> None: """ Hover the mouse over the element with the given identifier. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. """ assert page is not None target = page.locator(f"[__elementId='{identifier}']") # See if it exists try: await target.wait_for(timeout=5000) except TimeoutError: raise ValueError("No such element.") from None # Hover over it await target.scroll_into_view_if_needed() await asyncio.sleep(0.3) box = cast(Dict[str, Union[int, float]], await target.bounding_box()) if self.animate_actions: await self.add_cursor_box(page, identifier) # Move cursor to the box slowly start_x, start_y = self.last_cursor_position end_x, end_y = box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2 await self.gradual_cursor_animation(page, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await page.mouse.move(box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2) await self.remove_cursor_box(page, identifier) else: await page.mouse.move(box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2)
[docs] async def fill_id(self, page: Page, identifier: str, value: str, press_enter: bool = True) -> None: """ Fill the element with the given identifier with the specified value. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. value (str): The value to fill. """ assert page is not None target = page.locator(f"[__elementId='{identifier}']") # See if it exists try: await target.wait_for(timeout=5000) except TimeoutError: raise ValueError("No such element.") from None # Fill it await target.scroll_into_view_if_needed() box = cast(Dict[str, Union[int, float]], await target.bounding_box()) if self.animate_actions: await self.add_cursor_box(page, identifier) # Move cursor to the box slowly start_x, start_y = self.last_cursor_position end_x, end_y = box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2 await self.gradual_cursor_animation(page, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Focus on the element await target.focus() if self.animate_actions: # fill char by char to mimic human speed for short text and type fast for long text if len(value) < 100: delay_typing_speed = 50 + 100 * random.random() else: delay_typing_speed = 10 await target.press_sequentially(value, delay=delay_typing_speed) else: try: await target.fill(value) except PlaywrightError: await target.press_sequentially(value) if press_enter: await"Enter") if self.animate_actions: await self.remove_cursor_box(page, identifier)
[docs] async def scroll_id(self, page: Page, identifier: str, direction: str) -> None: """ Scroll the element with the given identifier in the specified direction. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. identifier (str): The element identifier. direction (str): The direction to scroll ("up" or "down"). """ assert page is not None await page.evaluate( f""" (function() {{ let elm = document.querySelector("[__elementId='{identifier}']"); if (elm) {{ if ("{direction}" == "up") {{ elm.scrollTop = Math.max(0, elm.scrollTop - elm.clientHeight); }} else {{ elm.scrollTop = Math.min(elm.scrollHeight - elm.clientHeight, elm.scrollTop + elm.clientHeight); }} }} }})(); """ )
[docs] async def get_webpage_text(self, page: Page, n_lines: int = 50) -> str: """ Retrieve the text content of the web page. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. n_lines (int): The number of lines to return from the page inner text. Returns: str: The text content of the page. """ assert page is not None try: text_in_viewport = await page.evaluate("""() => { return document.body.innerText; }""") text_in_viewport = "\n".join(text_in_viewport.split("\n")[:n_lines]) # remove empty lines text_in_viewport = "\n".join([line for line in text_in_viewport.split("\n") if line.strip()]) assert isinstance(text_in_viewport, str) return text_in_viewport except Exception: return ""
[docs] async def get_visible_text(self, page: Page) -> str: """ Retrieve the text content of the browser viewport (approximately). Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: str: The text content of the page. """ assert page is not None try: await page.evaluate(self._page_script) except Exception: pass result = await page.evaluate("MultimodalWebSurfer.getVisibleText();") assert isinstance(result, str) return result
[docs] async def get_page_markdown(self, page: Page) -> str: """ Retrieve the markdown content of the web page. Currently not implemented. Args: page (Page): The Playwright page object. Returns: str: The markdown content of the page. """ assert page is not None if self._markdown_converter is None and MarkItDown is not None: self._markdown_converter = MarkItDown() html = await page.evaluate("document.documentElement.outerHTML;") res = self._markdown_converter.convert_stream(io.StringIO(html), file_extension=".html", url=page.url) # type: ignore assert hasattr(res, "text_content") and isinstance(res.text_content, str) return res.text_content else: return await self.get_webpage_text(page, n_lines=200)