Source code for autogen_ext.models.llama_cpp._llama_cpp_completion_client

import logging  # added import
import re
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Dict, List, Literal, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, TypedDict, Union, cast

from autogen_core import EVENT_LOGGER_NAME, CancellationToken, FunctionCall, MessageHandlerContext
from autogen_core.logging import LLMCallEvent
from autogen_core.models import (
from import Tool, ToolSchema
from llama_cpp import (
from typing_extensions import Unpack

logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME)  # initialize logger

def normalize_stop_reason(stop_reason: str | None) -> FinishReasons:
    if stop_reason is None:
        return "unknown"

    # Convert to lower case
    stop_reason = stop_reason.lower()

    KNOWN_STOP_MAPPINGS: Dict[str, FinishReasons] = {
        "stop": "stop",
        "length": "length",
        "content_filter": "content_filter",
        "function_calls": "function_calls",
        "end_turn": "stop",
        "tool_calls": "function_calls",

    return KNOWN_STOP_MAPPINGS.get(stop_reason, "unknown")

def normalize_name(name: str) -> str:
    LLMs sometimes ask functions while ignoring their own format requirements, this function should be used to replace invalid characters with "_".

    Prefer _assert_valid_name for validating user configuration or input
    return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "_", name)[:64]

def assert_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
    Ensure that configured names are valid, raises ValueError if not.

    For munging LLM responses use _normalize_name to ensure LLM specified names don't break the API.
    if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", name):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Only letters, numbers, '_' and '-' are allowed.")
    if len(name) > 64:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Name must be less than 64 characters.")
    return name

def convert_tools(
    tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema],
) -> List[ChatCompletionTool]:
    result: List[ChatCompletionTool] = []
    for tool in tools:
        if isinstance(tool, Tool):
            tool_schema = tool.schema
            assert isinstance(tool, dict)
            tool_schema = tool

                    description=(tool_schema["description"] if "description" in tool_schema else ""),
                        cast(ChatCompletionFunctionParameters, tool_schema["parameters"])
                        if "parameters" in tool_schema
                        else {}
    # Check if all tools have valid names.
    for tool_param in result:
    return result

class LlamaCppParams(TypedDict, total=False):
    # from_pretrained parameters:
    repo_id: Optional[str]
    filename: Optional[str]
    additional_files: Optional[List[Any]]
    local_dir: Optional[str]
    local_dir_use_symlinks: Union[bool, Literal["auto"]]
    cache_dir: Optional[str]
    # __init__ parameters:
    model_path: str
    n_gpu_layers: int
    split_mode: int
    main_gpu: int
    tensor_split: Optional[List[float]]
    rpc_servers: Optional[str]
    vocab_only: bool
    use_mmap: bool
    use_mlock: bool
    kv_overrides: Optional[Dict[str, Union[bool, int, float, str]]]
    seed: int
    n_ctx: int
    n_batch: int
    n_ubatch: int
    n_threads: Optional[int]
    n_threads_batch: Optional[int]
    rope_scaling_type: Optional[int]
    pooling_type: int
    rope_freq_base: float
    rope_freq_scale: float
    yarn_ext_factor: float
    yarn_attn_factor: float
    yarn_beta_fast: float
    yarn_beta_slow: float
    yarn_orig_ctx: int
    logits_all: bool
    embedding: bool
    offload_kqv: bool
    flash_attn: bool
    no_perf: bool
    last_n_tokens_size: int
    lora_base: Optional[str]
    lora_scale: float
    lora_path: Optional[str]
    numa: Union[bool, int]
    chat_format: Optional[str]
    chat_handler: Optional[llama_chat_format.LlamaChatCompletionHandler]
    draft_model: Optional[Any]  # LlamaDraftModel not exposed by llama_cpp
    tokenizer: Optional[Any]  # BaseLlamaTokenizer not exposed by llama_cpp
    type_k: Optional[int]
    type_v: Optional[int]
    spm_infill: bool
    verbose: bool

[docs] class LlamaCppChatCompletionClient(ChatCompletionClient): """Chat completion client for LlamaCpp models. To use this client, you must install the `llama-cpp` extra: .. code-block:: bash pip install "autogen-ext[llama-cpp]" This client allows you to interact with LlamaCpp models, either by specifying a local model path or by downloading a model from Hugging Face Hub. Args: model_path (optional, str): The path to the LlamaCpp model file. Required if repo_id and filename are not provided. repo_id (optional, str): The Hugging Face Hub repository ID. Required if model_path is not provided. filename (optional, str): The filename of the model within the Hugging Face Hub repository. Required if model_path is not provided. n_gpu_layers (optional, int): The number of layers to put on the GPU. n_ctx (optional, int): The context size. n_batch (optional, int): The batch size. verbose (optional, bool): Whether to print verbose output. model_info (optional, ModelInfo): The capabilities of the model. Defaults to a ModelInfo instance with function_calling set to True. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to the Llama class. Examples: The following code snippet shows how to use the client with a local model file: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from autogen_core.models import UserMessage from autogen_ext.models.llama_cpp import LlamaCppChatCompletionClient async def main(): llama_client = LlamaCppChatCompletionClient(model_path="/path/to/your/model.gguf") result = await llama_client.create([UserMessage(content="What is the capital of France?", source="user")]) print(result) The following code snippet shows how to use the client with a model from Hugging Face Hub: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from autogen_core.models import UserMessage from autogen_ext.models.llama_cpp import LlamaCppChatCompletionClient async def main(): llama_client = LlamaCppChatCompletionClient( repo_id="unsloth/phi-4-GGUF", filename="phi-4-Q2_K_L.gguf", n_gpu_layers=-1, seed=1337, n_ctx=5000 ) result = await llama_client.create([UserMessage(content="What is the capital of France?", source="user")]) print(result) """ def __init__( self, model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[LlamaCppParams], ) -> None: """ Initialize the LlamaCpp client. """ if model_info: validate_model_info(model_info) if "repo_id" in kwargs and "filename" in kwargs and kwargs["repo_id"] and kwargs["filename"]: repo_id: str = cast(str, kwargs.pop("repo_id")) filename: str = cast(str, kwargs.pop("filename")) pretrained = Llama.from_pretrained(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename, **kwargs) # type: ignore assert isinstance(pretrained, Llama) self.llm = pretrained elif "model_path" in kwargs: self.llm = Llama(**kwargs) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] else: raise ValueError("Please provide model_path if ... or provide repo_id and filename if ....") self._total_usage = {"prompt_tokens": 0, "completion_tokens": 0}
[docs] async def create( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], # None means do not override the default # A value means to override the client default - often specified in the constructor json_output: Optional[bool] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ) -> CreateResult: # Convert LLMMessage objects to dictionaries with 'role' and 'content' # converted_messages: List[Dict[str, str | Image | list[str | Image] | list[FunctionCall]]] = [] converted_messages: list[ ChatCompletionRequestSystemMessage | ChatCompletionRequestUserMessage | ChatCompletionRequestAssistantMessage | ChatCompletionRequestUserMessage | ChatCompletionRequestToolMessage | ChatCompletionRequestFunctionMessage ] = [] for msg in messages: if isinstance(msg, SystemMessage): converted_messages.append({"role": "system", "content": msg.content}) elif isinstance(msg, UserMessage) and isinstance(msg.content, str): converted_messages.append({"role": "user", "content": msg.content}) elif isinstance(msg, AssistantMessage) and isinstance(msg.content, str): converted_messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": msg.content}) elif ( isinstance(msg, SystemMessage) or isinstance(msg, UserMessage) or isinstance(msg, AssistantMessage) ) and isinstance(msg.content, list): raise ValueError("Multi-part messages such as those containing images are currently not supported.") else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported message type: {type(msg)}") if self.model_info["function_calling"]: response = self.llm.create_chat_completion( messages=converted_messages, tools=convert_tools(tools), stream=False ) else: response = self.llm.create_chat_completion(messages=converted_messages, stream=False) if not isinstance(response, dict): raise ValueError("Unexpected response type from LlamaCpp model.") self._total_usage["prompt_tokens"] += response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"] self._total_usage["completion_tokens"] += response["usage"]["completion_tokens"] # Parse the response response_tool_calls: ChatCompletionTool | None = None response_text: str | None = None if "choices" in response and len(response["choices"]) > 0: if "message" in response["choices"][0]: response_text = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] if "tool_calls" in response["choices"][0]: response_tool_calls = response["choices"][0]["tool_calls"] # type: ignore content: List[FunctionCall] | str = "" thought: str | None = None if response_tool_calls: content = [] for tool_call in response_tool_calls: if not isinstance(tool_call, dict): raise ValueError("Unexpected tool call type from LlamaCpp model.") content.append( FunctionCall( id=tool_call["id"], arguments=tool_call["function"]["arguments"], name=normalize_name(tool_call["function"]["name"]), ) ) if response_text and len(response_text) > 0: thought = response_text else: if response_text: content = response_text # Detect tool usage in the response if not response_tool_calls and not response_text: logger.debug("DEBUG: No response text found. Returning empty response.") return CreateResult( content="", usage=RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0), finish_reason="stop", cached=False ) # Create a CreateResult object if "finish_reason" in response["choices"][0]: finish_reason = response["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] else: finish_reason = "unknown" if finish_reason not in ("stop", "length", "function_calls", "content_filter", "unknown"): finish_reason = "unknown" create_result = CreateResult( content=content, thought=thought, usage=cast(RequestUsage, response["usage"]), finish_reason=normalize_stop_reason(finish_reason), # type: ignore cached=False, ) # If we are running in the context of a handler we can get the agent_id try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None LLMCallEvent( messages=cast(List[Dict[str, Any]], converted_messages), response=create_result.model_dump(), prompt_tokens=response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"], completion_tokens=response["usage"]["completion_tokens"], agent_id=agent_id, ) ) return create_result
[docs] async def create_stream( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], # None means do not override the default # A value means to override the client default - often specified in the constructor json_output: Optional[bool] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[str, CreateResult], None]: raise NotImplementedError("Stream not yet implemented for LlamaCppChatCompletionClient") yield ""
# Implement abstract methods
[docs] def actual_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return RequestUsage( prompt_tokens=self._total_usage.get("prompt_tokens", 0), completion_tokens=self._total_usage.get("completion_tokens", 0), )
@property def capabilities(self) -> ModelInfo: return self.model_info
[docs] def count_tokens( self, messages: Sequence[SystemMessage | UserMessage | AssistantMessage | FunctionExecutionResultMessage], **kwargs: Any, ) -> int: total = 0 for msg in messages: # Use the Llama model's tokenizer to encode the content tokens = self.llm.tokenize(str(msg.content).encode("utf-8")) total += len(tokens) return total
@property def model_info(self) -> ModelInfo: return ModelInfo(vision=False, json_output=False, family="llama-cpp", function_calling=True)
[docs] def remaining_tokens( self, messages: Sequence[SystemMessage | UserMessage | AssistantMessage | FunctionExecutionResultMessage], **kwargs: Any, ) -> int: used_tokens = self.count_tokens(messages) return max(self.llm.n_ctx() - used_tokens, 0)
[docs] def total_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return RequestUsage( prompt_tokens=self._total_usage.get("prompt_tokens", 0), completion_tokens=self._total_usage.get("completion_tokens", 0), )
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """ Close the LlamaCpp client. """ self.llm.close()