Installation Guide

Installation Guide #

This document will guide you through the installation and configuration process. The Schema-Operator needs a client account that can access the Azure Data Explorer clusters you wish to manage and as this is an Operator we need an AKS cluster.

Prerequisits #

  1. An Azure Subscription to provision resources into.
  2. An Azure Service Principal for the operator to use. see Authentication docs for further details.
  3. A Kubernetes Cluster created and running.

Identity #

Schema operator uses a managed identity (MSI) to access the managed clusters. Please create a managed identity and assign administrative permissions for the operator to change the databases and schemas.

Installation #

Schema-Operator is deployed using a helm chart. In the provided values we need to pass the MSI name to bind.

export VERSION=0.1.1-alpha 
helm install schema-operator $chart --namespace=schema-operator-namespace --create-namespace

more details on chart parameters can be found at the chart docs

Deployment in Dev environment #

When developing it’s possible to deploy from the repo using make deploy
It will use the aks configured in the local system to deploy the crds and deployment from the config/ folder.

export ACR=<your acr>    
export VERSION=0.1.1-alpha 
az acr login -n ${ACR}
make docker-build-push IMG=$OPERATOR_IMG  
make deploy IMG=$OPERATOR_IMG  

Then install using:

helm install schema-operator-test $chart --namespace=schema-operator-test --create-namespace --set image.repository=$OPERATOR_IMG