CBL-Mariner Linux

This is the official CBL-Mariner Linux build system. You can use this repository to build a boot-able CBL-Mariner Linux image and use it as an AKS container host, where you can host your Kubernetes containers - Available in AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service).

CBL-Mariner Linux is a lightweight operating system, containing only the packages needed for a cloud environment. CBL-Mariner can be customized through custom packages and tools, to fit the requirements of your application. CBL-Mariner undergoes Azure validation tests, is compatible with Azure agents, and is built and tested by the Azure Edge & Platform to power various use cases, ranging from Azure services to powering IoT infrastructure. CBL-Mariner is the internally recommended Linux distribution for use with Microsoft cloud services and related products.

Who’s using CBL-Mariner today?

CBL-Mariner is used internally by Microsoft and several derivative versions are used by various teams within Microsoft.

These include:

  • Azure Kubernetes Services - Production grade container orchestration with CBL-Mariner as an option for container hosting.
  • AKS HCI - Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI - quick way to get started hosting Windows and Linux containers in your data center.

Customers external to Microsoft can use CBL-Mariner via AKS as a node OS.

CBL-Mariner Composition

Key Capabilities Of CBL-Mariner Linux

CBL-Mariner provides many of the traditional benefits of using Linux. In addition to that, CBL-Mariner provides hardened security and efficient lifecycle management.

  • CBL-Mariner core
    • Minimal core system that supports a variety of profiles (Azure VM or on bare-metal x64 or ARM64) and allows the customer to build on top of it as needed.
    • Lightweight footprint: 450MB uncompressed.
  • Support & Updates:
    • SLA for vulnerabilities.
    • Patches automatically available for the customer to update when most convenient for them.
    • dnf infrastructure used for upgrading packages.
  • Security hardened
    • The kernel and other aspects of the OS are built with an emphasis on security and follow the secure-by-default principle, compliant with Microsoft security standards and industry certifications.
  • Federated Builds:
    • Enables teams to innovate on top by allowing the generation and maintenance of packages on top of the CBL-Mariner builds.
    • With over 6000 packages already built, teams can customize their image easily.
  • Robust Testing
    • Through a robust testing matrix of package, image and kernel tests, we allow for earlier issue detections and mitigations prior to the image being published.
  • Virtualization
    • CBL-Mariner supports a container host image that includes the Kubernetes infrastructure.
  • Efficient lifecycle management
    • CBL-Mariner supports both RPM package and image-based update mechanisms for releases - with an “evergreen” release alongside specific security-patched stable snaps.
    • New releases are made available annually and each release is supported for 18 months.

Getting Started With CBL-Mariner

Detailed instructions for building CBL-Mariner from sources are provided in the CBL-Mariner GitHub repository. This repository makes it possible for you to build a CBL-Mariner image, including all packages, from sources.

However, this is not the recommended approach. The recommended approach is to use prebuilt images and packages provided by Microsoft, which have already been built and validated. These prebuilt images are available in Azure Kubernetes Service.

Building CBL-Mariner from Source

Should you still choose to build CBL-Mariner from source, the recommended approach is to build a basic image and rely on the pre-compiled packages that are already available in the package registry. Afterwards, you can replace some of the default packages with your own versions if needed.

If you rely on prebuilt packages and are building a small image, you can quickly get started and change configuration options that are independent of the packages - such as preferred disk layout or the list of packages that get included in the image by default.

To build your own product based on CBL-Mariner, you can use one of the existing images. The recommended route for creating CBL-Mariner derivatives is to use CBL-MarinerDemo repository as a template. However, if you need to change the base packages configuration, you can also fork the main CBL-Mariner repository and make your own adjustments as part of your fork.

When a new version of CBL-Mariner comes out, you can then simply do a git rebase of your own changes on top of the new CBL-Mariner version. If your changes are generic enough, you can also contribute your changes by submitting a pull request - this will free you from the responsibility of having to regularly rebase high number of custom commits in your own repository.

The CBL-MarinerDemo repository provides you with a basic template for getting started with your own CBL-Mariner derivates for use with custom products. From there, you can create a CBL-Mariner based product or you can generate quick experimental debug builds to try out new ideas.

The CBL-MarinerDemo repository also demonstrates how you can augment CBL-Mariner without forking the CBL-Mariner repository. This can be useful if all you’re doing is building upon the default configuration and adding your own packages to it.

The CBL-MarinerDemo repository contains the SPEC file and sources for building a simple “Hello World” application. This repository also includes a simple “os-subrelease” package that allows you to add identifying information about your derivative to an /etc/os-subrelease file.

Using CBL-Mariner With AKS

Instructions on how to use CBL-Mariner (Azure Linux) with AKS is available on our public documentation.

System Administration

In most cases, you would not need to do any on-system administration tasks and you should use higher level tools instead. However, if you do have a situation where you need to manually install packages or otherwise do low level maintenance work, then you can do so by logging into the system over SSH or through the serial console.

Enabling Serial Console

The serial console is useful if you want to view boot logs or have a console to the headless VM - or for GDB debugging on the VM. You can enable the serial console by creating a named pipe to the Hyper-V VM.

See instructions on this page:

Managing Services With systemd

CBL-Mariner uses systemd for managing all running services. This means that you can use systemctl for checking status, enabling, disabling, starting and stopping services.

To view descriptions of all loaded and active services, run the systemctl command without any arguments:


To see all loaded, active and inactive services, supply the --all flag to systemctl:

systemctl --all

To see all unit files and their current status run:

systemctl list-unit-files

You can always use a combination of commands to show only certain kinds of services. For example, you can combine one of the above commands with grep:

systemctl list-unit-files | grep network

For detailed usage instrucitons and full descriptions of all available options, check the official linux man pages for systemd utilities:

Starting and stopping services

To start or stop a service you simply provide the start or stop command to systemctl followed by the name of the service you want to control:

systemctl start lighttpd
systemctl stop lighttpd

Inspecting System Events

Use journalctl to inspect important system messages from systemd. It is useful when something goes wrong and the system is either restarted or you simply need to review what happened. To display messages in systemd log from when the system was started last time, use the command:

journalctl -b

If you want to specifically list messages generated by a particular service then you can use the following command:

journalctl -u [service-name]

service-name is in this case the same name you would pass to systemctl [start|stop] group of commands and it represents the name by which systemd knows a particular service.

To see what other options are available, run:

man journalctl

Installing a web server

To install the web server run:

dnf install httpd

You may need to manually create /var/logs directory: sudo mkdir -p /var/logs

You can start and stop the web server using the systemctl command.

systemctl httpd start
systemctl httpd stop

To check that the webserver is running do:

sudo netstat -anl | grep :80

You also need to open port 80 on your vm. You can do this using the az-cli utility:

az vm open-port --port 80 --name [vm-name] --resource-group [rg]

To show the public IP address of your vm, you can run this command:

az vm show --name [vm-name] --resource-group [rg] --show-details --query [publicIps] --output tsv

Configuring Firewall

Use the official Azure-CLI client to configure the firewall for your virtual machine.

Updating CBL-Mariner

Minor versions of CBL-Mariner prebuilt images are released monthly. The frequency of prebuilt package updates depends on the severity of the CVE, and we maintain a defined SLA for each severity level.

Package Management Overview

The CBL-Mariner OS uses the “Tiny Dandified” (TDNF) package manager. TDNF is a C based successor of the DNF package manager, which itself is the successor to Fedora’s YUM package manager. TDNF is included in the base CBL-Mariner image by default.

When installing a package on your system, TDNF connects to one or more RPM repositories in the cloud. If a package is unavailable in one repository, a subsequent repository is checked.

Repositories, and the order in which those repositories are scanned, are specified in configuration files that reside in your CBL-Mariner image.

The TDNF configuration file /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf contains configuration information about how TDNF should handle caching and other local functions. It also contains a pointer to the repo configuration directory. Owing to its YUM heritage, the default is to point to /etc/yum.repos.d/ which contains the list of repo configuration files.

RPM Repositories

By default, all CBL-Mariner images are partially configured to connect with the curated CBL-Mariner Repository. These repositories are mariner-official-base.repo and mariner-official-update.repo. The Base Repository always maintains a static list of RPMs built at the time of release.

The Update Repository always maintains a forward rolling list of Security Patched RPMs updated over time.

This repository holds all RPMs that are built from the CBL-Mariner Repository. Please note that this list of packages is a “super-set” of the packages installed on the Minimal CBL-Mariner Image. The CBL-Mariner team manages more packages than the ones installed in the default image.

Regular Upgrades

To upgrade all your installed packages to the latest CBL-Mariner releases run:

sudo dnf upgrade

If you are running this command for the first time, dnf will ask you to confirm GPG keys. This is fine and you can just press ‘y’ to continue with the upgrade.

Available Packages

Packages that are currently available can be found here. You may add and build packages locally by adding them to your derivative repository.