Bond is an extensible framework for working with schematized data. It is suitable for scenarios ranging from service communications to Big Data storage and processing.
Bond defines a rich type system and schema evolution rules which allow forward and backward compatibility. The core Bond features include high performance serialization/deserialization and a very powerful, generic data transform mechanism. The framework is highly extensible via pluggable serialization protocols, data streams, user defined type aliases and more.
By design Bond is language and platform independent and is currently supported for C++, C#, Java, and Python on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Bond is published on GitHub at https://github.com/microsoft/bond/.
Basic example
In Bond data schemas are defined using idl-like syntax:
namespace Examples
struct Record
0: string Name;
1: vector<double> Constants;
In order to use the schema in a C# program, it needs to be compiled using the Bond compiler. This step is sometimes also referred to as code generation (or codegen) because the compilation generates C# code corresponding to the schema definition.
gbc c# example.bond
Using the generated C# code, we can write a simple program that will serialize and deserialize an instance of the Record schema using Compact Binary protocol:
namespace Examples
using Bond;
using Bond.Protocols;
using Bond.IO.Safe;
class Program
static void Main()
var src = new Record
Name = "FooBar",
Constants = { 3.14, 6.28 }
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
// The first calls to Serialize.To and Deserialize<T>.From can take
// a relatively long time because they generate the de/serializer
// for a given type and protocol.
Serialize.To(writer, src);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
Code generation
In order to use a Bond schema in a C# program, it needs to be compiled using the Bond compiler gbc
. The compiler generates C# classes that represent the schema. By default schema fields are represented by public auto-properties initialized in the default constructor.
The mapping between Bond and C# type systems is mostly obvious, but it is worth noting that, unlike C# reference types, Bond types are not nullable. This means that string
in Bond IDL will be mapped to C# string
, which is a reference type, but the value null
will not be valid. In order to allow null
values, a type must be declared as nullable
, e.g.:
struct Foo
0: list<nullable<string>> listOfNullableStrings;
The value null
is also legal for fields declared in Bond IDL to have a default of nothing
, e.g.:
struct Bar
0: string str = nothing;
Code generation can be customized by passing one or more of the following command line options to gbc
Schema fields are represented by public fields with initializers and no constructor is generated.
Schema fields are represented by properties with public getter and private setter and initialized to the default values in the default constructor. Classes with read-only properties are fully supported by all Bond APIs.
A constructor is generated with a parameter to initialize each of the schema fields. This option is typically used in conjunction with --readonly-properties
. This functionailty is in preview and may change.
Collection types vector<T>
, map<K, V>
, list<T>
and set<T>
are represented by respective generic collection interfaces: IList<T>
, IDictionary<K, V>
, ICollection<T>
and ISet<T>
Bond serialization API is provided by the Serializer
class. It is a generic class parameterized with type of protocol writer used for serialization:
The constructor of the Serializer
class takes the type of a class or struct representing Bond schema:
new Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputStream>>(typeof(Record))
The constructor is non-trivial so application usually should create an instance of Serializer
outside of the inner loop and reuse it.
The Serializer
class exposes one public method Serialize
which takes two arguments, an object to be serialized and an instance of the protocol writer to be used for serialization.
serializer.Serialize(obj, writer);
The object’s type must be the same as the type passed to the Serializer
constructor, otherwise the behaviour is undefined.
Bond provides a helper static API for applications that use schema types known at compile-time and don’t need to manage lifetime of the Serializer
Serialize.To(writer, obj);
When the API is called for the first time, a static instance of appropriate Serializer
is created. Because of this the first call to the API for given type and protocol may take relatively long time. Subsequent calls for the same writer/object types reuse the static instance.
Bond serialization API is provided by the Deserializer
class. It is a generic class parameterized with type of the protocol reader to be used for deserialization:
The constructor of the Deserializer
class takes the type of a class or struct representing Bond schema:
new Deserializer<CompactBinaryReader<InputStream>>(typeof(Record))
The constructor is non-trivial so application usually should create an instance of Deserializer
outside of the inner loop and reuse it.
The Deserializer
class exposes one generic public method Deserialize
which takes as an argument an instance of the protocol reader and returns a deserialized object:
var record = deserializer.Deserialize<Record>(reader);
The object created by Deserialize
is always of the type specified during Deserializer
construction. The type parameter of the method is only used to cast the result.
Deserializing from payload encoded in an untagged protocol like Simple usually requires specifying schema of the payload. To address this scenario the Deserializer
class has an additional constructor taking a RuntimeSchema
as an argument:
RuntimeSchema schema;
// ...
var d = new Deserializer<SimpleReader<InputStream>>(typeof(Record), schema);
var obj = d.Deserialize<Record>(reader);
An instance of Deserializer
created this way is tied to the triplet of protocol, object type and payload schema. In order to deserialize from payload in another schema a new instance of Deserializer
needs to be created.
Bond provides a helper static API for applications that use schema types known at compile-time, don’t need to specify payload schema and don’t need to manage lifetime of the Deserializer
var obj = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
When an application calls this API for the first time, a static instance of appropriate Deserializer
is created. Because of this the first call to the API for given type and protocol may take relatively long time. Subsequent calls for the same reader/object types reuse the static instance.
See also the following example:
Since Bond supports multiple serialization protocols, application endpoints either have to agree on a particular protocol, or include protocol metadata in the payload. Marshaling APIs provide the standard way to do the latter, by automatically adding a payload header with the protocol identifier and version.
and Unmarshal
APIs are very similar to Serialize
and Deserialize
, except that when calling Unmarshal
the application simply provides an input stream with payload data, rather than an instance of a particular protocol reader:
var src = new Example
Name = "foo",
Constants = { 3.14, 6.28 }
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
Marshal.To(writer, src);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var dst = Unmarshal<Example>.From(input);
See also the following example:
Schema evolution
Bond does not use explicit versioning to deal with changes to schemas (and the resulting types) over time. Instead, Bond supports certain schema evolution operations which allow the producer and consumer of Bond types to evolve without lockstep coordination.
The following changes to a schema will never break compatibility across the wire:
- Adding or removing an
or required_optional
- Changing a field’s type between
and enum
- Changing a field’s type between
and list<T>
- Changing a field’s type between
and vector<int8>
or blob
and list<int8>
- Changing a field’s type between
and bonded<T>
- Adding new enumeration constants that don’t alter existing constants (beware of implicit reordering)
The following changes to a type are generally safe but require some consideration about how the change is rolled out:
- Changing a field between
and required_optional
or between required_optional
and required
. The required_optional
modifier facilitates a two-step process for changing between optional
and required
, but the first step must be completed on both the producer and the consumer sides before the second step can be started on either side.
- Promoting a field with a numeric type from a smaller size to a larger size (e.g.:
to double
, uint8
to uint16
, uint8
to uint32
, int8
to int16
, etc.). The consumer must get the change before the producer. Note that changing from unsigned to signed or vice versa is not compatible (e.g.: uint8
to int16
- Promoting from
or int16
to enum
. The consumer must get the change before the producer.
These following changes will break wire compatibility and are not recommended:
- Adding or removing
- Incompatible change of field types (any type change not covered above); e.g.:
to string
, string
to wstring
, float
to nullable<float>
- Changing of field ordinals/ids
- Changing of inheritance hierarchy (add/remove/substituting base struct)
- Changing between
and optional
- Changing the default value of a field
- Changing existing enumeration constants in any way (including implicit renumbering)
Some best practices and other considerations to keep in mind:
- When removing a field, comment it out rather than removing it altogether so that the neither the field ordinal nor name are reused in future edits of the schema
- When working with untagged protocols like SimpleBinaryProtocol, great care must be taken to ensure the same schema is used when deserializing the payload as was used to serialize it.
- Caution should be used when changing or reusing field names as this could break text-based protocols like SimpleJsonProtocol
should be used sparingly and only with careful consideration
Default values
Fields of a Bond defined struct always have a default value, either explicitly specified in the .bond file, or the implicit default.
The implicit default is
for bool
- 0 for arithmetic types
- empty for string/containers
for nullable type
- for struct and
fields, an instance of a struct in which all of the fields are initialized to their default values, recursively
There is no implicit default for enum fields: they must have an explicit default value in the .bond file.
Explicit default values (other than nothing
) may not be specified for nullable
or container fields. Struct and bonded
fields may not have an explicit default value. They always use their implicit default values.
The default values of fields matter because this is what an application will see after deserialization for any optional field that wasn’t present in the payload (e.g. when the payload was created from an older version of the schema).
Additionally, some protocols can omit optional
non-struct fields set to their default values, reducing payload size.
Default value of nothing
Sometimes it is necessary to distinguish between any of the possible values of a field and absence of a value. To support such scenarios Bond allows non-struct fields’ default values to be explicitly set to nothing
struct AboutNothing
0: uint16 n = nothing;
1: string name = nothing;
2: list<float> floats = nothing;
Setting a field’s default to nothing
doesn’t affect the schema type of the field, however it may affect what type the field is mapped to in the generated code. The reason why is pretty obvious: some types such as ushort
just can’t represent absence of a value. In C# reference types already have a way to represent absence of value: null
. For these types specifying a default of nothing
doesn’t change the field type in the generated code. For C# value types such as UInt16
, the generated code will use C# Nullable types (e.g. UInt16?
The fact that setting the default value of a field to nothing
doesn’t affect the field’s schema type has an important consequence: the default value of the field doesn’t have a serialized representation. What this means in practice depends on whether the field is optional
or required
. Optional fields set to nothing
are usually omitted during serialization , just like for any other default values. Required fields, by definition, can never be omitted. Since nothing
has no serialized representation, an attempt to serialize an object with required fields set to nothing
will result in a runtime exception. If a null value needs to be represented in the serialized form, then a default of nothing
is the wrong choice and a nullable type should be used instead.
Nullable types
For any type in the Bond meta-schema, nullable<T>
defines a nullable type. A nullable type can store all the same values as its base type plus one additional value: null
struct Nullables
0: nullable<bool> b; // can be true, false, or null
1: list<nullable<string>> l; // can be a (possibly empty) list or null
The default value for a field of a nullable type is always implicitly set to null
. Explicit default values for nullable fields are not supported.
In C# reference types already have a way to represent null
: null
. For these types nullable<T>
and T
will have the same type in the generated code. For C# value types such as UInt16
, the generated code will use C# Nullable types (e.g. bool?
Caveat: blob
, nullable<blob>
and blob = nothing
are all represented as an ArraySegment<byte>
in the generated C# code. The C# default value for all three is default(ArraySegment<byte>)
(in which the Array
field is null
). An empty ArraySegment<byte>
(in which the Array
field is not null
but the Count
is 0) is treated as a non-default value, so it will not be omitted for optional fields. This behavior will be changing in a future release, to align it with how other types are handled and how nullable/nothing fields are handled in other languages.
Since a nullable type must represent the additional value of null
, its serialized representation necessarily incurs some overhead compared to the base type. Often it is more efficient to avoid using a nullable type and instead to designate one of the normal values to handle the special case that otherwise would be represented by null
. For example empty is usually a good choice for string and container types and 0 for arithmetic types. Another option that may sometimes be appropriate is setting the default value of a non-struct field to nothing
. Struct fields can have neither an explicit default value nor be set to nothing
, so nullable
needs to be used if null
semantics are needed for these fields.
The canonical scenario where a nullable type is the right choice is recursive structures. For example here’s how Bond TypeDef
struct is defined:
struct TypeDef
// Type identifier
0: BondDataType id = BT_STRUCT;
// Index of struct definition in SchemaDef.structs when id == BT_STRUCT
1: uint16 struct_def = 0;
// Type definition for:
// list elements (id == BT_LIST),
// set elements (id == BT_SET),
// or mapped value (id == BT_MAP)
2: nullable<TypeDef> element;
// Type definition for map key when id == BT_MAP
3: nullable<TypeDef> key;
// True if the type is bonded<T>; used only when id == BT_STRUCT
4: bool bonded_type;
The TypeDef
struct is used to represent the type of a field in a Bond schema. If the type is a container such as a list or map, the type definition becomes recursive. For example, a list type definition contains the type of the list element which of course itself can be a container of elements of some other type, and so on, until the recursion is terminated with a null
value for the element
and key
Bond protocols are pluggable, allowing application to choose the most appropriate encoding format. Bond supports three kinds of protocols:
Tagged protocols
Tagged protocols interleave schema metadata within the payload. This makes the payload self-describing, allowing consumers to interpret it even without knowing the schema used by the producer.
Untagged protocols
Untagged protocols serialize only data and thus require that consumers know the payload schema via some out-of-band mechanism. Untagged protocols are often used in storage scenarios because they allow storing a schema once (e.g. in a system table in a database) and thus eliminating metadata overhead from many records using the same schema.
DOM-based protocols
DOM-based protocol parse whole payload into an in-memory Data Object Model which then is queried during deserialization. Typically this kind of protocol is used to implement text based encoding such as JSON or XML.
Compact Binary
A binary, tagged protocol using variable integer encoding and compact field header. A good choice, along with Fast Binary, for RPC scenarios.
Implemented in CompactBinaryReader
and CompactBinaryWriter
classes. Version 2 of Compact Binary adds length prefix for structs. This enables deserialization of bonded<T>
and skipping of unknown fields in constant time. The trade-off is double pass encoding, resulting in up to 30% slower serialization performance.
See also Compact Binary encoding reference.
Fast Binary
A binary, tagged protocol similar to Compact Binary but optimized for deserialization speed rather than payload compactness.
Implemented in FastBinaryReader
See also Fast Binary encoding reference.
Simple Binary
A binary, untagged protocol which is a good choice for storage scenarios as it offers potential for big saving on payload size. Because Simple is an untagged protocol, it requires that the payload schema is available during deserialization. In typical storage scenario application would store runtime schema and use it during deserialization with BondedVoid
. In some specific scenarios when it can be assumed that producer and consumer have exactly the same schema, SimpleProtocol can be used with compile-time schema, providing unparalleled deserialization performance. One example is marshaling objects between processes or between native and managed components.
Implemented in SimpleBinaryReader
and SimpleBinaryWriter
Version 2 of Simple Protocol uses variable integer encoding for string and container lengths, resulting in more compact payload without measurable performance impact.
See example: examples/cs/core/untagged_protocols
Simple JSON
The Simple JSON protocol is a simple JSON encoding implemented as a DOM protocol. The output is standard JSON and is a very good choice for interoperating with other systems or generating human readable payload.
Because the payload doesn’t include field ordinals, there are two caveats when used as a Bond serialization protocol:
- Transcoding from Simple JSON to binary Bond protocols is not supported (transcoding from a binary protocol to Simple JSON is supported if you have the schema).
- Field matching is done by field name rather than ordinal. The implication is that renaming a field (which is considered a bad practice anyways) is a breaking schema change for Simple JSON.
Simple JSON also flattens the inheritance hierarchy which may lead to name conflicts between fields of base and derived Bond structs. It is possible to resolve such conflicts without the need to actually rename the fields by annotating fields with JsonName
attribute, e.g.:
struct Base
0: string foo;
struct Derived : Base
0: string foo;
Note that Simple JSON is not designed to be able to read arbitrary JSON objects. Simple JSON has its own way of encoding Bond objects in JSON that differs from how other libraries would encode the same object. When interoperating with other JSON libraries, be aware of these differences:
- maps are encoded as arrays of key/value pairs not as sub-objects
- the inheritance hierarchy is flattened
- nulls are expressed as empty arrays
- enums are encoded via their numeric value, not their symbolic names
Implemented in SimpleJsonReader
and SimpleJsonWriter
See examples:
The Transcoder
class provides API for converting payloads from one protocol into another. Transcoder operates directly on serialized data and doesn’t need to know the C# type representing payload schema.
The Transcoder
is a generic class parameterized with types of source protocol reader and destination protocol writer, e.g.:
Transcoder<CompactBinaryReader<InputStream>, SimpleWriter<OutputStream>>
The constructor of the Transcoder
class takes as an optional argument the runtime schema of the payload. The argument is optional when transcoding between tagged protocols but must be specified when transcoding from an untagged protocol or to a text protocol.
RuntimeSchema schema;
// ...
var t = new Transcoder<<SimpleReader<InputStream>, CompactBinaryWriter<OutputStream>>(schema);
The Transcoder
constructor is non-trivial so application usually should create an instance of Transcoder
outside of the inner loop and reuse it.
The Transcoder
class exposes one public method Transcode
which takes two arguments, protocol reader representing payload to transcode from, and protocol writer to be used to write the result.
t.Transcode(reader, writer);
Bond provides a static helper API for application that don’t need to explicitly manage Transcoder
lifetime and don’t specify payload schema or use a schema known at compile-time:
// transcoding w/o schema
Transcode.FromTo(reader, writer);
// transcoding with compile-time schema Foo
Transcode<Foo>.FromTo(reader, writer);
When an application calls this API for the first time, a static instance of appropriate Transcoder
is created. Because of this the first call to the API for given type/schema and protocol may take relatively long time. Subsequent calls for the same reader/writer types reuse the static instance. Note that the static API can’t be used if source protocol is untagged and will result in runtime exception.
See also the following example:
The input and output for binary protocols is provided by the IInputStream
and IOutputStream
interfaces. Bond comes with standard implementations of these interfaces for memory buffers and System.IO.Stream
. Applications can also provide their own custom implementations.
The OutputBuffer
class implements the IOutputStream
interface on top of a memory buffer. It comes in two variants. Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer
uses only safe managed code and is included in the Bond.dll
assembly. Bond.IO.Unsafe.OutputBuffer
uses unsafe code to optimize for performance. It is included in the Bond.IO.dll
assembly. Both implementations have identical class names and APIs; the only difference is the namespace in which they are defined.
// Create an output buffer with initial size of 16KB
var output = new OutputBuffer(16 * 1024);
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
Serialize.To(writer, obj);
// Get the serialized payload form the output buffer
ArraySegment<byte> data = output.Data;
The InputBuffer
class implements the IInputStream
interface on top of a memory buffer. Like OutputBuffer
it comes in two flavors, the safe and portable Bond.IO.Safe.InputBuffer
, and the performance optimized via use of unsafe code Bond.IO.Unsafe.InputBuffer
// Create an input buffer on top of a byte[]
var input = new InputBuffer(byteArray);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
The InputStream
and OutputStream
classes provide implementations of IInputStream
and IOutputStream
on top of System.IO.Stream
. These classes are included in Bond.IO.dll
and thus are only available to applications using a full .NET runtime and allowing unsafe code. In/OutputStream
can be used with any Stream
, including MemoryStream
. However InputBuffer
and OutputBuffer
provide significantly better performance and are recommended when working with in-memory payloads.
using (var stream = new FileStream("example.bin", FileMode.Open))
var input = new InputStream(stream);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputStream>(input);
var example = Deserialize<Example>.From(reader);
The Cloner
class provides API for deep cloning of objects representing Bond schemas. Unlike typical cloning, Bond Cloner
is not limited to making clones that are of the same type as the source object. The type of the source and the clone merely need to represent compatible Bond schemas.
The Cloner
is a generic class parameterized with the source type and its constructor takes one argument representing the type of clones to be created e.g.:
var cloner = new Cloner<Foo>(typeof(Bar));
The constructor is non-trivial so application usually should create an instance of Cloner
outside of the inner loop and reuse it.
The Cloner
exposes one public, generic method Clone
which takes as the argument the source object and returns a clone:
var clone = cloner.Clone<Bar>(foo);
The object created by Clone
is always of the type specified during Cloner
construction. The type parameter of the method is only used to cast the result.
Bond provides a helper static API which creates and caches appropriate instance of Cloner
the first time it is used, e.g.:
var foo = new Foo();
var clone = Clone<Bar>.From(foo);
See also the following example:
The Comparer
class provides API for deep comparison for equality of objects representing Bond schemas. The class exposes one public, static, generic method Equal
which takes two parameters representing objects to be compared.
var left = new Foo();
var right = new Foo();
bool equal = Comparer.Equal(left, right);
Note that the Comparer
doesn’t compare arbitrary C# objects, it compares instances of Bond schemas. Only fields/properties decorated with Bond attributes and base classes/interface representing Bond schemas are considered during comparison.
Bond offers very fast serialization and deserialization. Here are some tips on how to achieve the best performance.
Explicitly create instances of Serializer
Instead of using simplified APIs like Serialize.To
and Deserialize<T>.From
it is usually better to explicitly instantiate and cache appropriate Serializer
objects. Creation of these objects involves generation and JIT’ing of specific code to handle the particular operation for a given schema type and protocol(s). This may take a relatively long time, especially for large schemas, and usually it is best to do it during program initialization. Once the object is created it can be reused repeatedly and calling the Serialize/Deserialize/Transcode methods will be very fast.
var exampleSerializer = new Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Example));
var exampleDeserializer = new Deserializer<CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Example));
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
exampleSerializer.Serialize(src, writer);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = exampleDeserializer.Deserialize<Example>(reader);
Note that the type of Serializer
doesn’t depend on the schema type so it is easy to cache these objects for multiple schemas used in an application:
var serializerCache = new Dictionary<Type, Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>>
new Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Foo))
new Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Bar))
Prefer InputBuffer
and OutputBuffer
over MemoryStream
When working with Bond payloads in a memory buffer (byte[]
or ArraySegment<byte>
) Bond-defined InputBuffer
and OutputBuffer
classes will provide significantly better performance than InputStream
and OutputStream
used together with System.MemoryStream
by default preallocates 64 KB of memory. When serializing small objects the cost of allocating and zeroing the memory may dominate the actual cost of serialization. Conversely, when serializing very large objects the initial buffer of 64KB may be too small, leading to unnecessary reallocations and memory copying.
The OutputBuffer
constructor accepts an argument specifying the size of initial buffer in bytes. For optimal performance the size should be set to be a little bigger than expect size of serialized data.
Prefer using Bond.IO.Unsafe;
over using Bond.IO.Safe;
Bond defines two variants of InputBuffer
and OutputBuffer
in two namespaces Bond.IO.Safe
and Bond.IO.Unsafe
. The classes have identical interface and can be used interchangeably. The only difference is that the latter uses some low level memory access constructs and is implemented in Bond.IO.dll
assembly which is compiled with /unsafe
flag. The unsafe version is faster.
Pool memory buffers
Creating a new InputBuffer
every time may be more costly than the actual serialization or deserialization and it increases GC pressure. Whenever possible pool and reuse buffers, simply resetting their position after or before use:
Choose the right protocol
The Fast Binary protocol is a little faster than Compact Binary, although the difference is not big. Untagged protocols like Simple Binary can provide much better performance (up to 4 times faster for some schemas). They are most applicable in scenarios where runtime schema of the data is available during deserialization and the same schema applies to many instances of the data, so that the cost of creating the Deserializer
can be amortized. The canonical use case for an untagged protocol is record-based data storage.
Experiment with inlineNested
when creating Serializer
When a Serializer
refers to another Bond struct, by default, the instructions to serialize/deserialize/transcode that type are inlined in the method for the top-level type. This often results in better runtime performance. However, it can sometimes cause long JIT’ing times when creating Serializer
instances or worse runtime performance. (For example, some optimizations are not performed when methods get large.) You will need to profile and experiment with instances created with inlineNested
set to true
(the default) and false
) to see what is the best fit for your scenario.
Runtime schema
Some generic applications may need to work with Bond schemas unknown at compile-time. In order to address such scenarios Bond defines a type SchemaDef
to represent schemas at runtime. Applications can obtain an instance of SchemaDef
for a particular type using the Schema
// from a type T
var schema = Schema<T>.RuntimeSchema;
// from type of an object
var schema = Schema.GetRuntimeSchema(typeof(obj));
The APIs return an object of type RuntimeSchema
, which is a thin wrapper over SchemaDef
. Access to underlying schema is provided via public properties:
var schemaDef = schema.SchemaDef
The SchemaDef
object is always self contained, including the runtime schema definitions for all nested types (if any). The RuntimeSchema
class instance can be constructed from a SchemaDef
, and then it represents the whole schema, or from any embedded TypeDef
// runtime schema of Foo
var schema = Schema<Foo>.RuntimeSchema;
// runtime schema of the first field of Foo
var fieldSchema = new RuntimeSchema(schema, schema.StructDef.fields[0].type);
is a Bond type, defined in bond.bond
, and as such can be de/serialized like any other Bond type:
Serialize.To(writer, Schema<T>.RuntimeSchema.SchemaDef);
A serialized representation of SchemaDef
can be also obtained directly from a schema definition IDL file using bond compiler.
See also the following example:
Understanding bonded<T>
The generic type bonded<T>
is a simple yet powerful abstraction which is a fundamental part of Bond APIs and enables such usage scenarios as lazy deserialization, pass-through and polymorphism.
In C# bonded<T>
maps to IBonded<T>
interface which supports three operations: Serialize
, Deserialize
and Convert
. Bond provides two standard implementation of the IBonded<T>
interface, Bonded<T>
which can hold and instance of type T
, and Bonded<T, R>
which can hold a serialized payload represented by a protocol reader R
. The former is usually used by producers to initialize bonded<T>
values, the latter is implicitly used during deserialization.
The standard implementations always use default implementations of Serializer/Deserializer/Cloner/Transcoder
. In order to customize this behavior, the user can pass custom ObjectBondedFactory
or PayloadBondedFactory
delegates as parameters to ObjectParser
or ParserFactory<R>.Create()
// create serializer for schema type T and protocol reader W
// using custom InstanceBondedFactory
new Serializer<W>(typeof(T), new ObjectParser(typeof(T), CustomObjectBondedFactory), ...);
// create deserializer for schema type T and protocol reader R
// using custom PayloadBondedFactory
new Deserializer<R>(typeof(T), ParserFactory<R>.Create(typeof(T), CustomPayloadBondedFactory), ...);
Lazy deserialization
Because bonded<T>
can store (or more accurately, refer to) data representing a serialized data, it can be used to de facto delay deserialization of some parts of payload:
struct Example
0: Always always;
1: bonded<Sometimes> sometimes;
The schema defined above contains two nested fields. When an object of type Example
is deserialized, the field always
will be fully instantiated and deserialized, but field sometimes
, which is declared as bonded<Sometimes>
, will be merely initialized with a reference to its serialized representation. Application can then deserialize the object only when needed:
var example = Deserialize<Example>.From(reader);
// Deserialize sometimes only when needed
if (needSometimes)
var sometimes = example.sometimes.Deserialize();
When bonded<T>
containing a payload is serialized all the field from the original payload are preserved. This property very useful when building multi-stage service pipelines. Intermediary nodes often need to pass data through with full fidelity. At the same time, it is desirable that every schema change doesn’t necessitate redeployment of all the nodes in a pipeline. Using bonded<T>
for pass-through is often the right solution.
As an example let’s imagine a simple aggregator which receives responses from upstream services and aggregates top results.
struct Upstream
0: bonded<Response> response;
1: float ranking;
struct Aggregated
0: list<bonded<Response>> responses;
Using bonded<Response>
allows the intermediary to aggregate responses, preserving their full content, even if the aggregator doesn’t use the same version of the Response
schema as the upstream.
void ProcessResponse(Upstream upstream)
if (upstream.ranking > threshold)
The type parameter T
in IBonded<T>
interface is covariant which enables polymorphism. A IBonded<Base>
can be initialized with an instance of Bonded<Derived>
. For example, given the following schema:
enum Kind
struct Shape
0: Kind kind = none;
struct Rectangle: Shape
0: int32 width;
1: int32 height;
struct Circle : Shape
0: int32 radius;
struct Example
0: vector<bonded<Shape>> shapes;
The type of the shapes
field in C# class Example
will be List<IBonded<Shape>>
and an instance of the Example
can be initialized as following:
var src = new Example
shapes =
new Bonded<Circle>(new Circle {kind = Kind.circle, radius = 10),
new Bonded<Rectangle>(new Rectangle {kind = Kind.rectangle, width = 4, height = 5)
See also the following example:
Custom type mappings
Bond codegen provides a simple extensibility mechanism allowing use of custom C# types to represent types in a Bond schema. One common scenario is replacing the default collections with a different implementation that is semantically identical, e.g. SortedSet<T>
instead of HashSet<T>
. Custom type mappings can be also used to introduce completely new types which can be serialized as one of the built-in Bond schema types. For example time could be represented using the DateTime
class and serialized as int64
Defining a custom type mapping involves three steps:
- Define a type alias in the schema.
- Specify during codegen a C# type to represent the alias.
- Implement an appropriate converter for the custom C# type.
Codegen parameters
When generating code for a schema that uses type aliases, the user can specify a custom type to represent each alias in the generated code:
gbc c# --using="DateTime=System.DateTime" date_time.bond
The value of the /using
parameter consists of one or more alias substitutions separated by semicolons, each in the following format:
Custom containers
Type aliases of container types can be mapped to user defined collection classes as long as they implement the same interfaces as the default collections: IEnumerable<T>
as well as ICollection<T>
for aliases of list<T>
and vector<T>
, ISet<T>
for aliases of set<T>
and IDictionary<K, V>
for aliases of map<K ,V>
. Custom mappings of container type aliases don’t require a user defined converter.
System.Collection.Immutable support
Bond provides special support for using the System.Collections.Immutable collections as container type aliases. The following aliases are supported:
vector<T> |
ImmutableArray<T> , ImmutableList<T> |
list<T> |
ImmutableArray<T> , ImmutableHashSet<T> , ImmutableList<T> , ImmutableSortedSet<T> |
set<T> |
ImmutableHashSet<T> , ImmutableSortedSet<T> |
map<K, V> |
ImmutableDictionary<K, V> , ImmutableSortedDictionary<K, V> |
During code generation, immutable collection fields are handled specially. Since they do not have parameterless constructors, the Bond compiler will instead use the static Empty
field is used as the default value, e.g. ImmutableList<T>.Empty.
When deserializing immutable collections, Bond will use the inner Builder
classes to efficiently reconstruct the collection, e.g. ImmutableList<T>.Builder.
See the below project for examples on using immutable collections as container aliases:
Applications using custom mappings for aliases of scalar types, string or blob must provide converter between the custom type and the default type. The converter is a public class named BondTypeAliasConverter
defining a pair of public static Convert
methods for each type alias:
public static CustomType Convert(AliasedType value, CustomType unused)
public static AliasedType Convert(CustomType value, AliasedType unused)
For example if System.DateTime
was mapped to an alias of int64
the following class could be defined to provide conversions between DateTime
and long
(the default type for int64
public static class BondTypeAliasConverter
public static long Convert(DateTime value, long unused)
return value.Ticks;
public static DateTime Convert(long value, DateTime unused)
return new DateTime(value);
The converter class must be defined in the same assembly and namespace as the class representing the Bond schema(s) in which the type alias is used or assembly/namespace of one of the types being converted.
Bond supports Xml serialization via Simple Xml protocol implemented by the SimpleXmlReader
and SimpleXmlWriter
var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
var writer = new SimpleXmlWriter(stream);
Serialize.To(writer, src);
stream.Position = 0;
var reader = new SimpleXmlReader(stream);
var dst = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
In the example above the Xml reader and writer are constructed directly from an instance of System.Stream
. Underneath however they use System.Xml.XmlReader
and System.Xml.XmlWriter
which provide fast, non-cached, forward-only Xml parsing and generation on top of many different data readers and writers. For example to deserialize Xml payload from a string:
var xmlString = "<Record><Name>test</Name><Numbers><Item>3.14</Item></Numbers></Record>";
var reader = new SimpleXmlReader(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString)));
var record = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
The Simple Xml protocol flattens the inheritance hierarchy, putting fields from base and derived classes together under a single element. In order to prevent name conflicts, Simple Xml protocol provides support for optional use of fully qualified schema names as field element namespaces, e.g.:
<Derived xmlns:b="urn:Examples.Base" xmlns:d="urn:Examples.Derived">
Namespaces can be enabled when serializing to Xml via the UseNamespaces
flag in SimpleXmlWriter.Settings:
var writer = new SimpleXmlWriter(stream, new SimpleXmlWriter.Settings
UseNamespaces = true
There is no need to enable namespace support for the SimpleXmlReader. The elements representing fields are always matched against field names and their namespaces, if specified in the Xml document, against the qualified names of the containing structs.
Using Xml namespace inherently limits some of flexibility of Bond deserialization. In particular a document with namespaces can’t be deserialized into a schema that is compatible but has a different name, for example a view of the payload schema.
See also the following example:
Bond supports JSON serialization via the Simple JSON protocol implemented by the SimpleJsonReader
and SimpleJsonWriter
classes. The JSON protocol depends on the Newtonsoft JSON parser and the classes are in a separate assembly Bond.JSON.dll
var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
var writer = new SimpleJsonWriter(stream);
Serialize.To(writer, src);
stream.Position = 0;
var reader = new SimpleJsonReader(stream);
var dst = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
In the example above the JSON reader and writer are constructed directly from an instance of System.Stream
. Alternatively they can be also constructed from System.IO.TextReader
and System.IO.TextWriter
. For example to deserialize JSON payload from a string:
var jsonString = "{Name: test, Numbers: [3.14]}";
var reader = new SimpleJsonReader(new StringReader(jsonString));
var record = Deserialize<Record>.From(reader);
The Simple JSON protocol flattens the inheritance hierarchy, putting fields from base and derived schemas together in the same JSON object. Name conflicts in the JSON representation between fields of base and derived schema can be resolved using JsonName
schema field attribute:
struct Base
0: string name;
struct Derived : Base
0: string name;
See also the following example:
Bond defines several attributes which are used to decorate user defined types with extra information required by Bond.
Schema decoration
User defined types that represent Bond schemas and their members are decorated with following attributes.
The Schema
attribute is used to mark types that represent Bond schemas and thus can be used with Bond APIs. The attribute can be applied to classes, structs and interfaces.
public class Foo {}
public struct Bar {}
public interface IFoo {}
The Schema
attribute applies to the specific type only and is not inherited. When a class decorated with the Schema
attribute derives from another class also decorated with the attribute then it represents Bond schema hierarchy. When a class representing schema derives from a class that is not marked with the Schema
attribute then it represents a simple schema without a base, the C# base class is ignored by Bond.
When a C# class/interfaces representing a schema derives from multiple interfaces, at most one can be an interface representing a schema (i.e. decorated with [Schema]
The Namespace
attribute can be optionally used to annotate C# classes, interfaces and enums if their C# namespace is different than the schema namespace (i.e. namespace in .bond idl file), for example when C# code is generated with --namespace
Bond will use the Namespace
attribute, when present, to create qualified name of the type. If the attribute is absent the qualified name will use the C# namespace in which the type is defined.
All public fields and properties that represents fields of a Bond schema must be decorated with the Id
attribute to specify the field’s identifier (also called field ordinal). The ordinal value must an unsigned 16-bit integer, unique for each field within a type.
public class Foo
public string message { get; set; }
A type representing a schema may have additional fields/properties that don’t represent schema fields and thus are not decorated with Bond attributes.
By default fields of Bond schemas are optional. Required fields must be marked with the Required
/* Bond schema
struct Foo
0: required string message;
public class Foo
[Bond.Id(0), Bond.Required]
public string message { get; set; }
The Type
attribute is used to provide additional type information about schema fields. The attribute is optional because in most cases Bond can infer type from the C# type of field/property. For example C# type short
always maps to Bond type int16
. However not all C# types have an unambiguous mapping to Bond type system. For example C# string
can represent either Bond type string
or wstring
. Similarly C# reference types which are always nullable can represent both nullable and non-nullable type in Bond schema. One of the uses for the Type
is resolving such ambiguities.
using Bond.Tag;
/* Bond schema
struct Foo
0: nullable<wstring> str1;
1: string str2 = nothing;
public class Foo
[Bond.Id(0), Bond.Type(typeof(nullable<wstring>))]
public string str1 = null;
public string str2 = null;
Bond defines the following tag types that can be used in a Type
: specifies that a reference or nullable C# type represents a nullable type in the Bond type system.
: specifies that a string is UTF16 (i.e. wstring
in the Bond type system).
: specifies that the type represents the schema type blob
The Type
attribute can also be used to specify type of object to be created during deserialization when a field/property type is an interface.
public class Foo
[Bond.Id(0), Bond.Type(typeof(SortedSet<string>))]
public ISet<string> strings1 { get; set; }
[Bond.Id(1), Bond.Type(typeof(HashSet<string>))]
public ISet<string> strings2 { get; set; }
Bond infers default field values for classes and structs representing schemas from the field initializers or the class/struct constructor. For interfaces the default field values must be specified explicitly by decorating the interface properties with the Default
attribute. The value specified in the attribute must be compatible with the field type, otherwise the behaviour is undefined.
public interface IFoo
[Bond.Id(0), Default("default value")]
public string { get; set; }
[Bond.Id(0), Default(3.14f)]
public float { get; set; }
The Default
attribute is optional for properties that are decorated with nullable
tag (the default is implicitly null
). For non-nullable collections the Default
attribute can either specify null
, which means default of nothing
in the schema, or it can be omitted, which means the default is an empty collection. Non-nullable properties of a type representing a schema have no concept of a default value thus the Default
attribute is not applicable.
The Attribute
attribute can be used to specify user defined attribute(s) for schemas, fields and enums.
[Bond.Attribute("name", "value")]
public class Foo
[Bond.Attribute("custom1", "value1")]
[Bond.Attribute("custom2", "value2")]
public string foo;
Schema attributes are usually used by transforms to customize code generation but they can also be accessed by applications via reflection.
Protocol decoration
Bond defines several attributes that are used to decorate implementation of custom protocols with extra information.
The Reader
attribute is used on a protocol writer implementation and specifies the type that implements the reader for that protocol.
public struct SimpleXmlWriter : IProtocolWriter
// ...
The Parser
attribute can be used on a protocol reader implementation and specifies the type of parser to be used for the protocol. It is optional for protocols that implement IUntaggedReader
or ITaggedReader
because they implicitly default to use UntaggedParser
and TaggedParser
respectively. When specified, the Parser
attribute value must be a generic type definition with one type parameter, it must implement IParser
interface and have two public constructors, one accepting RuntimeSchema
argument and one accepting Type
argument (compile-time schema).
public struct SimpleXmlReader : IXmlReader
// ...
public class SimpleXmlParser<R> : IParser
SimpleXmlParser(RuntimeSchema schema)
// ...
SimpleXmlParser(Type schema)
// ...
The Serializer
attribute can be used on a protocol writer implementation to specify custom serializer for the writer. If the attribute is not specified then the default serializer implementation is used. The value of Serializer
attribute must be a generic type definition with two type parameters R
and W
, it must implement ISerializerGenerator<R, W>
interface and define two public constructors:
public struct SimpleXmlWriter : IProtocolWriter
// ...
public class CustomSerializer<R, W> : ISerializerGenerator<R, W>
public CustomSerializer(Expression<Action<R, W, int>> deferredSerialize, RuntimeSchema schema)
// ...
public CustomSerializer(Expression<Action<R, W, int>> deferredSerialize, Type type)
// ...
NuGet packages
Pre-compiled versions of Bond are distributed via NuGet packages from NuGet.org.
Bond.CSharp - An omnibus package that pulls in everything required to use Bond in a C# project. If you’re not sure which packages to use, use this one. (It will pull in all the other packages you need.)
Bond.Core.CSharp - The assemblies required to use Bond at runtime. Useful if some other assembly already contains the compiled types. If your project contains .bond files, you will need to use either Bond.CSharp or Bond.Compiler.CSharp to perform code generation at build time.
Bond.Runtime.CSharp - Additional assemblies that may be needed at runtime depending on which Bond protocols are being used. Needed for Simple JSON.
Bond.Compiler.CSharp - A package with the Bond compiler (gbc) and MSBuild targets for C# code generation. Bond.CSharp includes similar functionality, but pulls in lots of dependencies. Bond.Complier.CSharp has no dependencies.
Bond.Compiler - A tools-only package that contains the Bond compiler (gbc). This is useful if you want to integrate gbc into a build process that isn’t using C# or MSBuild.
For example, if you want to use Bond’s Compact Binary protocol but want to avoid a dependency on Newtonsoft’s JSON.NET, you can use the Bond.Compiler.CSharp and Bond.Core.CSharp packages together.
The pre-compiled gbc that is included in these packages is Windows-only. See the README for instructions to build gbc for other platforms.
Bond.IO.dll (which provides the types in the Bond.IO.Unsafe namespace) is currently Windows-only, as it relies on some Win32 APIs. To stay cross-platform, only use the types from Bond.dll (in the Bond.IO.Safe namespace).
Frameworks targeted
This table lists which frameworks are targeted by the Bond assemblies.
This table is accurate for Bond NuGet packages 8.2.0 and later.
Bond.Attributes.dll |
No |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
Bond.Reflection.dll |
No |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
Bond.dll |
No |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
Bond.JSON.dll |
No |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
← |
Yes |
Bond.IO.dll |
No |
Win only |
Win only |
No |
Win only |
Win only |
A left arrow (←) indicates that support for that framework is provided by the version of the assembly that targets a lower version of the framework.