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[Z] Past Reference: Overview of Previous BLM Content

This module is a recap of previous content before the new transition to Coursera/MS Learn. This content will be deprecated soon, and it is only here for reference.

1Mod 1: Introduction

2Mod 1: Syllabus

3Mod 1: Video - Intelligent control systems using Bonsai and simulations by Mathworks

4Mod 1: Core Ingredients of Bonsai Solutions

5Mod 1: Assessment 1 - Training Brains

6Mod 1: Assessment 2 - Selecting Simulators

7Mod 2: Overview of Machine Teaching and Reinforcement Learning

8Mod 2: Video - Different Types of Machine Learning

9Mod 2: Assessment 1 - Designing Machine Teaching Curriculums

10Mod 2: Assessment 2 - Defining Your Learning Objectives

11Mod 2: Assessment 3 - Episode Design Design

12Mod 3: Inkling

13Mod 3: Assessment 1 - Simulator Sources

14Mod 4: Simulators for RL

15Mod 4: Overview of Types of Simulators

16Mod 4: Validating Simulators

17Mod 4: Assessment 1 - Frequently Used Simulators for MT/RL

18Mod 5: Video - Brain Training Adventures with Moab

19Mod 5: Modifying Learning Goals to Minimize Ball Speed

20Mod 5: Modifying Learning Goals Restrict Ball Displacement from Center

21Mod 5: Increasing Difficult with Domain Randomization and Lessons

22Mod 7: Problem Decomposition with Machine Teaching​

23Mod 7: Technical Machine Teaching Guidelines

24Mod 8: Installing the Bonsai CLI and SDK for Python

25Mod 8: Connecting the Cartpole sample to Bonsai

26Mod 8: Walkthrough of the Python Cartpole Simulation

27Mod 9: Understanding Domain Randomization

28Mod 9: Curriculums in Inkling

29Mod 9: Balance Me on the Moon! Adding New Variables to Domain Randomize

30Mod 10: Assessing a Trained Brain (with assessments)

31Mod 10: Assessing a Brain during Training

32Mod 10: Sim2Real

33Mod 11: Designing Lessons

34Mod 13: Simulation Validation

35Mod 14: Managed Simulator Scaling with Bonsai

36Mod 14: Scaling Simulators Using Azure Batch

37Mod 15: Data Driven Modeling for Simulation Recording

38Mod 15: Data Driven Modeling Tool

39Mod 15: Development Design

40Mod 15: Data Driven Modeling Theory

41Mod 17: AnyLogic, The existing pipeline

42Mod 17: Assessment 1 - Creating AnyLogic Simulators