eBPF for Windows
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) eBPF for Windows contributors
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
3 #pragma once
5 #include "ebpf_structs.h"
7 #if defined(NO_CRT)
8 typedef signed char int8_t;
9 typedef short int16_t;
10 typedef int int32_t;
11 typedef long long int64_t;
12 typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
13 typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
14 typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
15 typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
16 #define bool _Bool
17 #define false 0
18 #define true 1
19 #define UINT32_MAX ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF)
21 #else
22 #include <stdbool.h>
23 #include <stddef.h>
24 #include <stdint.h>
25 #endif
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C"
29 {
30 #endif
32 #define UBPF_STACK_SIZE 512
34 #define IMMEDIATE(X) (int32_t) X
35 #define OFFSET(X) (int16_t) X
36 #define POINTER(X) (uint64_t)(X)
38 #if !defined(htobe16)
39 #define htobe16(X) swap16(X)
40 #define htobe32(X) swap32(X)
41 #define htobe64(X) swap64(X)
43 #define htole16(X) (X)
44 #define htole32(X) (X)
45 #define htole64(X) (X)
46 #endif
48  typedef uint64_t (*helper_function_t)(uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, void*);
56  typedef struct _helper_function_entry
57  {
59  uint32_t helper_id;
60  const char* name;
61  bool tail_call;
69  typedef struct _map_entry
70  {
71  void* address;
73  const char* name;
82  typedef struct _map_initial_values
83  {
84  const char* name; // Name of the map.
85  size_t count; // Number of values in the map.
86  const char** values; // Array of strings containing the initial values.
93  typedef struct _program_entry
94  {
95  // DLLs put the strings into the same section, so add a marker
96  // at the start of a program entry to make it easy to find
97  // entries in the programs section.
98  uint64_t zero;
100  uint64_t (*function)(void*);
101  const char* pe_section_name;
102  const char* section_name;
103  const char* program_name;
107  uint16_t helper_count;
111  const uint8_t* program_info_hash;
121  typedef struct _bpf2c_version
122  {
123  uint32_t major;
124  uint32_t minor;
125  uint32_t revision;
133  typedef struct _metadata_table
134  {
135  size_t size;
136  void (*programs)(
137  _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*count) program_entry_t** programs,
138  _Out_ size_t* count);
139  void (*maps)(
140  _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*count) map_entry_t** maps,
141  _Out_ size_t* count);
142  void (*hash)(
143  _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*size) const uint8_t** hash,
144  _Out_ size_t* size);
145  void (*version)(_Out_ bpf2c_version_t* version);
147  _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*count) map_initial_values_t** map_initial_values,
148  _Out_ size_t* count);
157  inline uint16_t
158  swap16(uint16_t value)
159  {
160  return value << 8 | value >> 8;
161  }
169  inline uint32_t
170  swap32(uint32_t value)
171  {
172  return swap16(value >> 16) | ((uint32_t)swap16(value & ((1 << 16) - 1))) << 16;
173  }
181  inline uint64_t
182  swap64(uint64_t value)
183  {
184  return swap32(value >> 32) | ((uint64_t)swap32(value & ((1ull << 32ull) - 1))) << 32;
185  }
187 #ifdef __cplusplus
188 }
189 #endif
uint64_t swap64(uint64_t value)
Inline function used to implement the 64 bit EBPF_OP_LE/EBPF_OP_BE instruction.
Definition: bpf2c.h:182
uint64_t(* helper_function_t)(uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, void *)
Definition: bpf2c.h:48
struct _map_initial_values map_initial_values_t
Map initial values. This structure contains the initial values for a map. The values are used to init...
struct _map_entry map_entry_t
Map entry. This structure contains the address of the map and the map definition. The address is writ...
struct _helper_function_entry helper_function_entry_t
Helper function entry. This structure defines a helper function entry in the metadata table....
uint32_t swap32(uint32_t value)
Inline function used to implement the 32 bit EBPF_OP_LE/EBPF_OP_BE instruction.
Definition: bpf2c.h:170
uint16_t swap16(uint16_t value)
Inline function used to implement the 16 bit EBPF_OP_LE/EBPF_OP_BE instruction.
Definition: bpf2c.h:158
struct _program_entry program_entry_t
Program entry. This structure contains the address of the program and additional information about th...
struct _bpf2c_version bpf2c_version_t
Version information for the bpf2c compiler. This structure contains the version information for the b...
struct _metadata_table metadata_table_t
Metadata table for a module. This structure is returned by the module's metadata function,...
This file contains eBPF definitions common to eBPF programs, core execution engine as well as eBPF AP...
GUID ebpf_attach_type_t
Definition: ebpf_windows.h:62
GUID ebpf_program_type_t
Definition: ebpf_windows.h:61
Version information for the bpf2c compiler. This structure contains the version information for the b...
Definition: bpf2c.h:122
uint32_t major
Definition: bpf2c.h:123
uint32_t revision
Definition: bpf2c.h:125
uint32_t minor
Definition: bpf2c.h:124
eBPF Map Definition as it appears in the maps section of an ELF file.
Definition: ebpf_structs.h:115
Helper function entry. This structure defines a helper function entry in the metadata table....
Definition: bpf2c.h:57
bool tail_call
Definition: bpf2c.h:61
const char * name
Definition: bpf2c.h:60
uint32_t helper_id
Definition: bpf2c.h:59
helper_function_t address
Definition: bpf2c.h:58
Map entry. This structure contains the address of the map and the map definition. The address is writ...
Definition: bpf2c.h:70
ebpf_map_definition_in_file_t definition
Definition: bpf2c.h:72
void * address
Definition: bpf2c.h:71
const char * name
Definition: bpf2c.h:73
Map initial values. This structure contains the initial values for a map. The values are used to init...
Definition: bpf2c.h:83
const char ** values
Definition: bpf2c.h:86
size_t count
Definition: bpf2c.h:85
const char * name
Definition: bpf2c.h:84
Metadata table for a module. This structure is returned by the module's metadata function,...
Definition: bpf2c.h:134
void(* version)(bpf2c_version_t *version)
Definition: bpf2c.h:145
size_t size
Size of this structure. Used for versioning.
Definition: bpf2c.h:135
void(* map_initial_values)((*count) map_initial_values_t **map_initial_values, size_t *count)
Returns the list of initial values for maps in this module.
Definition: bpf2c.h:146
void(* programs)((*count) program_entry_t **programs, size_t *count)
Returns the list of programs in this module.
Definition: bpf2c.h:136
void(* hash)((*size) const uint8_t **hash, size_t *size)
Returns the hash of the ELF file used to generate this module.
Definition: bpf2c.h:142
void(* maps)((*count) map_entry_t **maps, size_t *count)
Returns the list of maps in this module.
Definition: bpf2c.h:139
Program entry. This structure contains the address of the program and additional information about th...
Definition: bpf2c.h:94
uint16_t helper_count
Number of helper functions used by the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:107
uint64_t zero
Definition: bpf2c.h:98
const char * program_info_hash_type
Type of the program info hash.
Definition: bpf2c.h:113
uint16_t referenced_map_count
Number of maps referenced by the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:105
const char * program_name
Name of the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:103
size_t bpf_instruction_count
Number of BPF instructions in the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:108
size_t program_info_hash_length
Length of the program info hash.
Definition: bpf2c.h:112
uint16_t * referenced_map_indices
List of map indices referenced by the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:104
ebpf_attach_type_t * expected_attach_type
Expected attach type of the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:110
const char * pe_section_name
Name of the PE section containing the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:101
const uint8_t * program_info_hash
Hash of the program info.
Definition: bpf2c.h:111
const char * section_name
Name of the section containing the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:102
ebpf_program_type_t * program_type
Type of the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:109
helper_function_entry_t * helpers
List of helper functions used by the program.
Definition: bpf2c.h:106