# Quickstart This section shows how to setup a local FarmVibes.AI cluster and client on your computer and execute a simple workflow. If you want to set up a remote instance of FarmVibes.AI, please refer to our [remote setup guide](./AKS.md). ## Requirements If you need to setup a new machine that fits all requirements detailed below and comes with all the necessary software installed, follow the steps in this [document](./VM-SETUP.md) to create it in Azure. In order to run FarmVibes.AI cluster, you need the following: * A Linux machine (Ubuntu 20.04 distro is highly recommended), with at least 16 GB of memory (32 GB, recommended), 4 CPU cores, and 512 GB of storage (2 TB, recommended). * The following software needs to be installed in the machine: * [Git](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/install-git#linux) to download the repository. If you already have access to the source code, then Git is not required. * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/). Make sure you can run the docker client without running `sudo` by adding your user account to the `docker` group (which might require a logout/login when adding oneself to the docker group). * [Curl](https://curl.se/). FarmVibes.AI installer requires curl to install additional software for FarmVibes.AI cluster management. * [Python 3.8+](https://www.python.org/downloads/). FarmVibes.AI provides a python client to simplify the consumption of results and parameters providing process. For your assistance, we have a script that installs all the necessary dependencies in your machine. [More information can be found below](#optional-installing-software-dependencies). ## Clone the repository Choose a folder of your preference and clone the FarmVibes.AI repo. ```shell git clone https://github.com/microsoft/farmvibes-ai.git ``` Observe you can clone FarmVibes.AI using HTTP or SSH (see [Cloning Repos](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/getting-started-with-git/about-remote-repositories)). ## Optional: Installing software dependencies A script that installs all the [required dependencies](#requirements) if they are not already installed. The script assumes that your user has `sudo` permission on your computer and an Ubuntu installation. If this is the case, all dependencies can be installed by running (from the root of the repository): ```shell bash ./resources/vm/setup_farmvibes_ai_vm.sh ``` You might needed to restart your shell session once the script finishes. ## Install the FarmVibes.AI cluster With python3.8+ and pip installed on your machine, please install FarmVibes.AI `vibe_core` package, with the following command: ```shell pip install ./src/vibe_core ``` With the core package installed, let's setup the FarmVibes.AI cluster. Please, make sure to run this command in the project root folder. The installation in a local environment may take up to 1 hour to complete. ```shell farmvibes-ai local setup ``` When the installation process finishes, you should see a message similar the following. ```shell FarmVibes.AI REST API is running at ``` Note that the address `` depends on docker network configuration and may be different on your setup. For more information about the installation script, its options and arguments, make sure to run it with the `--help` or `-h` flags: ```shell farmvibes-ai local --help ``` ## Check FarmVibes.AI Installation If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the hello world test with: ```shell python -m vibe_core.farmvibes_ai_hello_world ``` You should see an output listing the existing workflows on FarmVibes.AI and the helloworld workflow output. If you see the message `Successfully executed helloworld workflow.`, it means that FarmVibes.AI and the python client are working properly. For more information on how to execute workflows, please take a look at our [client guide](./CLIENT.md). For information on any issues running the cluster, including on how to re-start it after a machine reboot, take a look at our [troubleshoot guide](./TROUBLESHOOTING.md). If you do not find the information you are looking for, please reach out to the team by opening an issue on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/microsoft/farmvibes-ai/issues) or browsing through our [known issues](https://github.com/microsoft/farmvibes-ai/labels/known%20issues).