
A workflow defines a set of tasks the cluster should run, as well as the routing between inputs and outputs of each task. We group FarmVibes.AI workflows in the following categories:

  • Data Ingestion: workflows that download and preprocess data from a particular source, preparing data to be the starting point for most of the other workflows in the platform. This includes raw data sources (e.g., Sentinel 1 and 2, LandSat, CropDataLayer) as well as the SpaceEye cloud-removal model;

  • Data Processing: workflows that transform data into different data types (e.g., computing NDVI/MSAVI/Methane indexes, aggregating mean/max/min statistics of rasters, timeseries aggregation);

  • FarmAI: composed workflows (data ingestion + processing) whose outputs enable FarmAI scenarios (e.g., predicting conservation practices, estimating soil carbon sequestration, identifying methane leakage);

  • ForestAI: composed workflows (data ingestion + processing) whose outputs enable ForestAI scenarios (e.g., detecting forest change, estimating forest extent);

  • ML: machine learning-related workflows to train, evaluate, and infer models within the FarmVibes.AI platform (e.g., dataset creation, inference);

For a list of all available workflows within the FarmVibes.AI platform, please refer to the workflow list.

Building a workflow

A workflow is defined by five main parts:

  1. Sources: inputs to the workflow. It is a dictionary that maps a named workflow input to a list of task input ports.

  2. Sinks: outputs of the workflow. It is a dictionary that maps a named workflow output to a task output port. The output of a run request will be a dictionary whose keys are the defined output names.

  3. Parameters: workflow parameters that can be changed at each run. A dictionary of named parameters and (optionally) default values. For more information about workflow parameters, see Workflow Parameters.

  4. Tasks: which tasks (other workflows or ops) the cluster should run. It is a dictionary that has a task name as key, and the task definition as value.

  5. Edges: connections between task output and input ports. A list of dictionaries containing the name of the output port (origin) and a list of input ports (destination).

The main way to define a workflow is via a yaml file. An example definition and an equivalent diagram are show below:

name: example_workflow
    - first_task.input_port
    - second_task.port_input
    - third_task.input
  first_output: first_task.output_port
  second_output: third_task.output
  unused_param: 0
    op: op_name  # this task is an op
    # this task is another workflow, that contains its own set of tasks
    workflow: another_workflow
    op: another_op
  - origin: second_task.some_output_port
      - third_task.second_input
graph TD inp1>first_input] inp2>second_input] out1>first_output] out2>second_output] op1{{first_task}} wf1((second_task)) op2{{third_task}} inp1 -- "input_port"--> op1 inp1 -- "port_input"--> wf1 inp2 -- "input"--> op2 op1 -- "output_port" --> out1 wf1 -- "some_output_port → second_input" --> op2 op2 --> out2

Workflow parameters

Workflow parameters can be used to customize workflow behavior by changing task parameters. The workflow parameters are defined as a dictionary, with the key being the parameter name, and the value being an optional default parameter value. If no default value is provided (null), the default value defined in the task is used.

Defining the workflow parameters is only the first step. The second step is to map a workflow parameter into one or multiple task parameters. This can be done by overriding the task parameter using @from(wf_param), where wf_param is the name of the workflow parameter.

Consider both op and workflow defined below:

name: example_op
  input: DataVibe
  output: DataVibe
  op_param1: 1
  op_param2: 10
  unexposed_param: default
  callback_builder: callback_builder
name: parameterizable_workflow
    - task.input
    - task.output
  # Default value will be 0
  wf_param1: 0
  # Default value depends on the value defined on the task
    op: example_op
      op_param1: "@from(wf_param1)"
      op_param2: "@from(wf_param2)"

In this case, we define two workflow parameters, and map each of them to a different parameter in the task (note that one workflow parameter can be mapped to multiple task parameters). Since we define a default value for wf_param1, a run submission without workflow parameter overrides will use 0 as default value. In the case of wf_param2, since the default value is absent, we delegate the default value definition to the task (which is 10 is this case). There is also unexposed_param, which is a task parameter that is not mapped to any workflow parameter, which means it cannot be changed using a workflow parameter override on submission. It is up to the workflow creator to define which task parameters should be exposed at the workflow level.

Workflow composition

Parameter override works the same regardless of the task being a workflow or an op. If the task is a workflow, the parameter will override the inner workflow parameter value, and that value will be routed to its own tasks as defined in its workflow definition. For example, if a workflow uses parametetrizable_workflow as a task and overrides wf_param1 with no default value, example_op would run with default value of op_param1 = 0, as defined in wf_param1. If wf_param2 was overriden with no default value, example_op would run with default value op_param2 = 10 as defined in the op, since parameterizable_workflow itself also does not define a default value for wf_param2. It is not possible to override the parameter of an op inside a workflow if that workflow does not expose that parameter as a workflow parameter, so unexposed_parameter could not be changed by a workflow that uses parameterizable_workflow as a task.