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Forecasting examples

This folder contains Python and R examples for building forecasting solutions on the Orange Juice dataset. The examples are presented in Python Jupyter notebooks and R Markdown files, respectively.

Orange Juice Dataset

In this scenario, we will use the Orange Juice (OJ) dataset to forecast its sales. The OJ dataset is from R package bayesm and is part of the Dominick’s dataset.

This dataset contains the following two tables:

Note that the week number starts from 40 in this dataset, while the full Dominick’s dataset has data starting from week 1 to week 400. According to Dominick’s Data Manual, week 1 starts on 09/14/1989. Please see pages 40 and 41 of the bayesm reference manual and the Dominick’s Data Manual for more details about the data.


The following summarizes each directory of the forecasting examples.

Directory Content Description
python 00_quick_start/
<ul> <li> Quick start examples for single-round training </li> <li> Data exploration and preparation notebooks </li> <li> Multi-round training examples </li> <li> Model tuning and deployment example </li> </ul>
R 01_dataprep.Rmd
<ul> <li>Data preparation</li> <li>Basic time series models</li> <li>ARIMA-regression models</li> <li>Prophet models</li> </ul>