/* 1. */

/* 2. */

/* 3. */

/* 4. */

/* 5. */

/* 6. */

/* Bonus */
<!-- Without changing the HTML markup, apply the styles asked for in the markup. Do not apply styles that a tag doesn't ask for. -->

  <h2>1. Text Color: Red</h2>
  <div>2. Color Green (hint: Sibling Selector)</div>
    <ul class="myList">
        3. Border Green
    <div class="myClass">4. Background Green</div>
    <div class="myClass otherClass">
      5. Background Green & Color White
      (Hint Qualified Selector)
    <div id="myId" class="otherClass">6. Background Yellow</div>
      Don't Style Me
  <div>Bonus: Border Pink</div>