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Open Source Samples for Service Robotics

License: MIT

gestureBot Construction Guide

Session 2: Configure the Servos

In this session we will 3D-print the robot's torso components while establishing the communication network for our servo motors by connecting them one-by-one to the PC and using a software tool to program each with a unique ID. Servo ID Map



Session 2 parts and tools Session 2 servos


First, start 3D-printing the parts required for the next session:

Tip: Many 3D-printers have enough room on their build plate to print all of these models at the same time. Follow your printer's software instructions on how to add multiple models to a printing project file.

Second, download and install the servo configuration software:

DynamixelWizard2 TopMenu Options

Third, program the servo ID's from 1 to 12:

Tip: Removing the cable from the servo requires significant force, but the Robotis cables are strong and designed for this. Grip the cable between your thumb and the side of your index finger near the servo-side connector and grip the servo with your other hand. Without jerking, pull the cable firmly up and out of the connector.

disconnect servo cable

Next -> Session 3: Assemble the Torso