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License: MIT

gestureBot Construction Guide

Session 3: Assemble the Torso

In this session we will 3D-print the head components while assembling the gestureBot's torso.



Session 3 parts and tools


First, start 3D-printing the parts required for the next session:

Hint: Many 3D-printers have enough room on their build plate to print all of these models at the same time. Follow your printer's software instructions on how to add multiple models to a printing project file.

Second, learn how to ensure the gripping performance of plastic rivets:

It is easy to install plastic rivets incorrectly and decrease their grip and fastening strength. To work well, care must be taken not to deform their shape or crush their structure when inserting them into their mount holes.

Damaged rivets versus functional rivets

Generally, the plastic covers of the servo motors are molded (not 3D-printed) from high-quality plastic. Their precision shapes are stable and do not present a problem for plastic rivets. However, parts printed by desktop 3D-printers may have shape variances that may negatively impact the way the rivets work. Issues such as printer settings, calibration drift, quality and type of the plastic filament supply, print head wear, and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity or vibrations can all affect the strength, flexibility, and shape precision of the parts they print.

tool small hole crushing rivet

To prevent these factors from impacting rivet strength, make sure that the mount holes are a full 3mm in diameter. If they are too small they will crush and deform the rivet shell, preventing their tips from expanding when the pin is inserted and gripping the inside edge of the mount hole. If this is the case with the mount holes in your 3D-printed parts, be sure to enlarge them with a 3mm drill bit, a rotary deburring tool, or a needle file.

expanding rivet hole

When inserting a rivet, the shell must reach far enough into the material layers it is fastening that the ridges on its end extend past the edge of the last layer. Ideally, the ridge edge and the material edge match perfectly. When the pin is inserted, the shell expands and pushes the ridge edges over the material edge and should produce a satisfying "snap" feeling. This action creates a gripping shelf that prevents the rivet from exiting the hole. If the rivet does not fully expand, only the friction pressure of the rivet shell against the side of the hole will hold it in, which is a much weaker form of fastening and generally will work loose as the robot moves during normal operation.

Third, assemble the components of the torso:

Next -> Session 4: Assemble the Head Structure