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Default Configuration Mode (using JSON/YAML)

The default configuration mode may be configured by using a settings.json or settings.yml file in the data project root. If a .env file is present along with this config file, then it will be loaded, and the environment variables defined therein will be available for token replacements in your configuration document using ${ENV_VAR} syntax.

For example:

# .env

# settings.json
    "llm": {
        "api_key": "${API_KEY}"

Config Sections



  • type file|blob - The input type to use. Default=file
  • file_type text|csv - The type of input data to load. Either text or csv. Default is text
  • file_encoding str - The encoding of the input file. Default is utf-8
  • file_pattern str - A regex to match input files. Default is .*\.csv$ if in csv mode and .*\.txt$ if in text mode.
  • source_column str - (CSV Mode Only) The source column name.
  • timestamp_column str - (CSV Mode Only) The timestamp column name.
  • timestamp_format str - (CSV Mode Only) The source format.
  • text_column str - (CSV Mode Only) The text column name.
  • title_column str - (CSV Mode Only) The title column name.
  • document_attribute_columns list[str] - (CSV Mode Only) The additional document attributes to include.
  • connection_string str - (blob only) The Azure Storage connection string.
  • container_name str - (blob only) The Azure Storage container name.
  • base_dir str - The base directory to read input from, relative to the root.
  • storage_account_blob_url str - The storage account blob URL to use.


This is the base LLM configuration section. Other steps may override this configuration with their own LLM configuration.


  • api_key str - The OpenAI API key to use.
  • type openai_chat|azure_openai_chat|openai_embedding|azure_openai_embedding - The type of LLM to use.
  • model str - The model name.
  • max_tokens int - The maximum number of output tokens.
  • request_timeout float - The per-request timeout.
  • api_base str - The API base url to use.
  • api_version str - The API version
  • organization str - The client organization.
  • proxy str - The proxy URL to use.
  • cognitive_services_endpoint str - The url endpoint for cognitive services.
  • deployment_name str - The deployment name to use (Azure).
  • model_supports_json bool - Whether the model supports JSON-mode output.
  • tokens_per_minute int - Set a leaky-bucket throttle on tokens-per-minute.
  • requests_per_minute int - Set a leaky-bucket throttle on requests-per-minute.
  • max_retries int - The maximum number of retries to use.
  • max_retry_wait float - The maximum backoff time.
  • sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation bool - Whether to adhere to sleep recommendations (Azure).
  • concurrent_requests int The number of open requests to allow at once.
  • temperature float - The temperature to use.
  • top_p float - The top-p value to use.
  • n int - The number of completions to generate.



  • stagger float - The threading stagger value.
  • num_threads int - The maximum number of work threads.


asyncio|threaded The async mode to use. Either asyncio or `threaded.



  • llm (see LLM top-level config)
  • parallelization (see Parallelization top-level config)
  • async_mode (see Async Mode top-level config)
  • batch_size int - The maximum batch size to use.
  • batch_max_tokens int - The maximum batch #-tokens.
  • target required|all - Determines which set of embeddings to emit.
  • skip list[str] - Which embeddings to skip.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the text-embedding strategy.



  • size int - The max chunk size in tokens.
  • overlap int - The chunk overlap in tokens.
  • group_by_columns list[str] - group documents by fields before chunking.
  • encoding_model str - The text encoding model to use. Default is to use the top-level encoding model.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the chunking strategy.



  • type file|memory|none|blob - The cache type to use. Default=file
  • connection_string str - (blob only) The Azure Storage connection string.
  • container_name str - (blob only) The Azure Storage container name.
  • base_dir str - The base directory to write cache to, relative to the root.
  • storage_account_blob_url str - The storage account blob URL to use.



  • type file|memory|blob - The storage type to use. Default=file
  • connection_string str - (blob only) The Azure Storage connection string.
  • container_name str - (blob only) The Azure Storage container name.
  • base_dir str - The base directory to write reports to, relative to the root.
  • storage_account_blob_url str - The storage account blob URL to use.



  • type file|console|blob - The reporting type to use. Default=file
  • connection_string str - (blob only) The Azure Storage connection string.
  • container_name str - (blob only) The Azure Storage container name.
  • base_dir str - The base directory to write reports to, relative to the root.
  • storage_account_blob_url str - The storage account blob URL to use.



  • llm (see LLM top-level config)
  • parallelization (see Parallelization top-level config)
  • async_mode (see Async Mode top-level config)
  • prompt str - The prompt file to use.
  • entity_types list[str] - The entity types to identify.
  • max_gleanings int - The maximum number of gleaning cycles to use.
  • encoding_model str - The text encoding model to use. By default, this will use the top-level encoding model.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the entity extraction strategy.



  • llm (see LLM top-level config)
  • parallelization (see Parallelization top-level config)
  • async_mode (see Async Mode top-level config)
  • prompt str - The prompt file to use.
  • max_length int - The maximum number of output tokens per summarization.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the summarize description strategy.



  • enabled bool - Whether to enable claim extraction. default=False
  • llm (see LLM top-level config)
  • parallelization (see Parallelization top-level config)
  • async_mode (see Async Mode top-level config)
  • prompt str - The prompt file to use.
  • description str - Describes the types of claims we want to extract.
  • max_gleanings int - The maximum number of gleaning cycles to use.
  • encoding_model str - The text encoding model to use. By default, this will use the top-level encoding model.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the claim extraction strategy.



  • llm (see LLM top-level config)
  • parallelization (see Parallelization top-level config)
  • async_mode (see Async Mode top-level config)
  • prompt str - The prompt file to use.
  • max_length int - The maximum number of output tokens per report.
  • max_input_length int - The maximum number of input tokens to use when generating reports.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the community reports strategy.



  • max_cluster_size int - The maximum cluster size to emit.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the cluster_graph strategy.



  • enabled bool - Whether to enable graph embeddings.
  • num_walks int - The node2vec number of walks.
  • walk_length int - The node2vec walk length.
  • window_size int - The node2vec window size.
  • iterations int - The node2vec number of iterations.
  • random_seed int - The node2vec random seed.
  • strategy dict - Fully override the embed graph strategy.



  • enabled bool - Whether to enable UMAP layouts.



  • graphml bool - Emit graphml snapshots.
  • raw_entities bool - Emit raw entity snapshots.
  • top_level_nodes bool - Emit top-level-node snapshots.


str - The text encoding model to use. Default is cl100k_base.


list[str] - Which workflow names to skip.