
Global Search 🔎

Whole Dataset Reasoning

Baseline RAG struggles with queries that require aggregation of information across the dataset to compose an answer. Queries such as “What are the top 5 themes in the data?” perform terribly because baseline RAG relies on a vector search of semantically similar text content within the dataset. There is nothing in the query to direct it to the correct information.

However, with GraphRAG we can answer such questions, because the structure of the LLM-generated knowledge graph tells us about the structure (and thus themes) of the dataset as a whole. This allows the private dataset to be organized into meaningful semantic clusters that are pre-summarized. Using our global search method, the LLM uses these clusters to summarize these themes when responding to a user query.


title: Global Search Dataflow
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'step' } } }%%
flowchart LR

    uq[User Query] --- .1
    ch1[Conversation History] --- .1

    subgraph RIR
        direction TB
        ri1[Rated Intermediate<br/>Response 1]~~~ri2[Rated Intermediate<br/>Response 2] -."{1..N}".-rin[Rated Intermediate<br/>Response N]

    .1--Shuffled Community<br/>Report Batch 1-->RIR
    .1--Shuffled Community<br/>Report Batch 2-->RIR---.2
    .1--Shuffled Community<br/>Report Batch N-->RIR

    .2--Ranking +<br/>Filtering-->agr[Aggregated Intermediate<br/>Responses]-->res[Response]

     classDef green fill:#26B653,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
     classDef turquoise fill:#19CCD3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
     classDef rose fill:#DD8694,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
     classDef orange fill:#F19914,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
     classDef purple fill:#B356CD,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
     classDef invisible fill:#fff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#fff, width:0px;
     class uq,ch1 turquoise;
     class ri1,ri2,rin rose;
     class agr orange;
     class res purple;
     class .1,.2 invisible;

Given a user query and, optionally, the conversation history, the global search method uses a collection of LLM-generated community reports from a specified level of the graph's community hierarchy as context data to generate response in a map-reduce manner. At the map step, community reports are segmented into text chunks of pre-defined size. Each text chunk is then used to produce an intermediate response containing a list of point, each of which is accompanied by a numerical rating indicating the importance of the point. At the reduce step, a filtered set of the most important points from the intermediate responses are aggregated and used as the context to generate the final response.

The quality of the global search’s response can be heavily influenced by the level of the community hierarchy chosen for sourcing community reports. Lower hierarchy levels, with their detailed reports, tend to yield more thorough responses, but may also increase the time and LLM resources needed to generate the final response due to the volume of reports.


Below are the key parameters of the GlobalSearch class:

How to Use

An example of a global search scenario can be found in the following notebook.